FAQs for Self Service Portal for Students & Members – E Diary Recommendatory Release
What is Self Service Portal for Students and Members?
The ”Self Service Portal for Students & Members” is a powerful tool providing students & members with the facility to view and update personal information via the web without having to go to the ICAI office. The functionality of this portal spans through the entire Students and Members’ Management system, making information available anywhere, anytime. All information is subject to Institute’s defined regulations/ policy, allowing the students and members to view and update the information he / she is authorized to view/update.
- Student/Members can view/update personal information
- Defined access rules as per ICAI Regulation
- Can edit certain information online in case no proof of document required by the Institute
- Centralized online system of getting mails from Institute in “My Inbox”
- Complete end to end process for students and members lifecycle
- Provision to track status of Forms (Online + DAK) submitted to the institute.
- Provision to download documents like Regulatory Forms, Mark sheets for certain courses, Letters and Certificates (which are of normal nature) etc.
- Displaying Institute Notifications/Information categorized on the basis of user role (i.e. Student or Member).
- Online submission of Regulatory form (Student /Member/Firms/Network /MCS/LLP) with digital signature and upload scan copy feature.
- Implementation of E-Diary to capture Articled training details
- Integration with various ICAI applications such as, Student & Member Management System (SMM), Examination Portal, ICAI.ORG etc.
What is Self Service Portal for Students & Members –E Diary?
It is meant for maintaining training records to ascertain progress of the Articled/Audit/Industrial trainees. It provides a new ‘E-Diary (Student’s Work Diary) online system’ which aims to enhance the practical education and training of Article/Audit trainees and Industrial Trainee, through a mechanism of capturing the work done by students, reviewed by Principal, alerts for due dates and monitoring at the Institute level.
What is the scope of Self Service Portal - E Diary recommendatory release?
Students and Members would be able to “view” their Personal Information and Educational details, as available under the Institute’s database. SSP also enables students and members to access E-Diary concept on all-India basis. The Self Service Portal is a web based application which enables students and members to also view their personal information like –Name, Correspondence & Permanent Address, Date of Birth, Father’s Name, Member’s Student Registration No. , Enrolment Date, Contact Details etc. as available under the Institute’s database.
Who are eligible for maintaining Work Diary – “E-Diary”?
Eligible Articled/Audit Assistant/Industrial Trainees, registered under Articleship/ Industrial training with the Institute as per ICAI Regulation 46 and 51.
What is the date of SSP E- Diary Recommendatory release?
The date for Self Service Portal- E Diary Release would be announced shortly on the Institute Website at www.icai.org and would be published in “The Chartered Accountant” and “The Chartered Accountant Student” journals.
E-Diary Rules:
1. Student must file E-Diary entry within 30 days. That is, a student must fill his/ her Practical Training/E-Dairy record by 30thJanuary for work done on 1stJanuary. System would mark entries submitted after 30 days of duration as late entry into the system.
2. Student would be allowed to modify entries till they are approved by the Principal.
3. E-Mail & SMS reminders/alerts will be sent periodically to Student and his Principal in case the e-diary is not filled.
4. E-Mail & SMS reminders/alerts will be sent to Principal for “Pending for Approval” ediary/Leave/SOPTAS records :
- First reminder to Principal in case the request is not entertained for 14 days.
- Second reminder to Principal in case the request is not entertained for 28 consecutive days.
- Final reminder to Principal in case the request is not entertained for 30 consecutive days
5. System will approve the pending request (E-Diary/SOPTAS/Leave) automatically in Case it is not entertained by the Principal for 30 consecutive days.
6. Number of working hours in a week shall not exceed more than 35 hrs. However, this restriction will be removed in mandatory release( Please see point no. 3 of mandatory release)
7. Training record start time shall not be before 9 AM. Similarly, Training record end time shall not be after 7 PM (as per the Guidelines). However, this restriction will be removed in mandatory release ( Please see point no. 3 of mandatory release)
8. No duplicate entries are allowed for same date & time duration. For example – if a E-Dairy record already exists in approved status for 15th May 2012 from 9 AM to 5 PM, no other EDiary record shall be allowed to entered.
Also, no E-Diary record shall be allowed to enter for the date on which a leave / SOPTAS record already exist.
9. Principal must enter the stipend details for a month before the last day of the consecutive month.
For example – Stipend details for the month of April shall be entered into the system before 31stof May.
Who can approve your work diary entries?
Principal Member, under whom the Article/Audit/ Industrial Trainee is registered as per “Articleship Deed”
For complete Notification, please go to the following link: