BRC query

bvm (na) (24 Points)

24 February 2011  

Dear All,

 I have seen the forum with regards to Bank realization certificate and have found some threads but it doesnt answer my query,so im posting this .kindly reply .

I had claimed a duty drawback on my cargo and have received the customs want me to produce BRC

I need to submit BRC to customs (which i researched and found out Appendix 22A).Now when i started filling up the form i noticed that my actual Freight realized and freight mentioned in EP copy is different(probably mistake by agent).Actual freight realised is more than mentioned in EP copy.Hence the invoice value in EP copy and the amount actually realised doesnt match.So what should i do? i cannot rectify EP copy as the shipment is more than year old.

As i read the BRC ,it says bank has to verifiy the FOB and freight and obviously it cannot be matched with respect to EP copy ,since total invoice value that i realised will be more because of additional freight difference.So what solution do i have? or is it ok to have difference in freight in EP copy and actual freight realised.

any feedback on this would be much appreciated .
