whether sanjay agrawal 's book for advanced management accounting of second group is good or not?
book for advanced magt. a/c (2nd group)
GEETA MISTRY (ca final Student) (171 Points)
09 February 2011GEETA MISTRY (ca final Student) (171 Points)
09 February 2011whether sanjay agrawal 's book for advanced management accounting of second group is good or not?
CA. Raghav Goyal
(CA Practice)
(150 Points)
Replied 09 February 2011
Hi Geeta,
Even ICAI's compiler is enough for costing. Bcoz this is the subject in which no updates are made and almost all the topics have already been asked in exams. And thus compiler would also cover all the topics.
Now ICAI has also issued PRACTICE MODULES. This is a good option for costing(only).