(1979 Points)
Replied 27 March 2019
Bonus issue is nothing while just capitalisation of Accumulated profits and reserves, It's a type of corporate restructuring mechanism and used to bring down the Market Price of Shares.... Consider an example, A Ltd. Have total Authorised capital of 10Lacs ,Divided into 1,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10FACE VALUE, Current market price of such shares are /trading on stock exchange at Rs.100/- Co have total paid up equity of 60,000 shares.. & Reserves and surpluses stood at 4Lacs.. After passing necessary resolution at the Price of Rs.100 company decided to issue bonus shares ( @ 15:1) IE .one bonus share on each 15 shares held..
Now understand situation what happens to net worth -
before Issue -Capital (6 Lacs) +R&S (4 Lacs)
after issue - Capital (10 Lacs)
Book value per share -
before issue - 10lacs/no of shares(60k) =Rs.17/-
after issue - 10 lacs/no of shares (100k) = Rs.10/
In case of listed entity more shares shall be available and Market price will also bring down to some extent.
Apart from it, Capital consist of
Issued capital - Like at the time of ipo company offers 10,000 equity shares.
subscribed capital - How much shares are actually taken by prospective investor by application money
paid up equity - Fully paid up shares and no amount is due.
in case of Bonus issue company's paid up capital will increase... because shares are issued at zero cost to investors
However in above example if R&S are say, 80 Lacs and company would like to capitalise 50Lacs then first thing to increase authorised capital? as its only 10 Lacs...