dear friends,
pls explain me the procedure of issue of bonus shares of a pvt ltd co.and also explain that as on which date we have to see that the company has enough reserves and surplus.
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114778 Points)
Replied 29 September 2009
Dear Asif,
Please find attach a very useful file for Bonus issue. Hope this file would be off some help. Go through it properly.
the date of paassing the resolution for bonus issue is the date for calculating the free reserves of the company.
If you need further clarification than contact me
Ankur Shah (Practicing Company Secretary)
“Guru Gautam” Bungalow, Inside Parshwa Tower,
Nr. Shyamal Cross Road, 132ft. Ring Road,
Satellite, Ahmedabad – 15
Contact: + 91-9427633901
E-mail: ankurjewel @