I received a bill for security guard payment for the m/o sep.'20 and the bill date is 01st oct.'20. can i book that bill on 30th sep. as i have deduct tds.
yasaswi gomes
(My grammar is 💯 good I)
(7290 Points)
Replied 09 October 2020
Yes, provided you get the invoice date corrected and book and upload it. This is possible manually, but the rest depends upon your software ie if you have closed your books by month end, if you can still pass a rectification journal etc.
(216 Points)
Replied 09 October 2020
yasaswi gomes
(My grammar is 💯 good I)
(7290 Points)
Replied 09 October 2020
First, booking must be made and then consequently payment occurs.