Big confusion regards filling of gstr-1

DILIP ADHIKARI (Account Executive) (21 Points)

15 September 2018  

One of my friend is envolved in the business of selling  cover of mobile phones , headphones, xerox etc in with Trade name XYZ . His turnover is less than 20 lakh He also want to envolve in the business of hiring of car on  contract basis with trade name ABC . For this purpose he has enrolled himself in GST. but PAN no is same for both business. He has  no earned any single rupees through hiring of car. My question is that whether he has to file GSTR-1 nil rate or  give details of sales of mobile cover xerox etc as turnover.

My another doubt is that suppose if till the end of this financial year he has no earned any rupees from hiring of car and he submitted only nil return but during filling of income tax return he has calcute income from business and profession on the basis of Rs. 8 lakh turnover which is related with sales of mobile cover , Xerox etc. Whether it does not cause a issue in future.

My final doubt is that if I am enroled in GST in any one business, iwhether it is necessary to give turnover  details of all other business during filling of GSTR-1 ? Kindly reply it.