Whenever we read a Inspiring quote or Inspiring story or if we see any inspiring video the immediate thought borns in us is WE HAVE TO BE LIKE THAT OR WE WILL BE LIKE THAT,OR I AM GOING TO BE LIKE THAT.
But the fact is knowingly or unknowningly we are agreeing with ourselves atleast at that moment,that we dont want to be with our present personality,WE WANT TO GET UPDATE OURSELVES,WE WANT OURSELVES TO BE BETTER THAN NOW,WE WANT TO EXTRACT THE MOST POSSIBLE TALENT IN US.......................Almost 99.999% peoples mind (including me) will immediately moves from this thought,LATER OR SOONER..because WE ALWAYS LOVE TO THINK ABOUT OUR GOAL BUT NEVER WANT TO BUILD A PLAN FOR THAT,THE DREAM ABOUT OUR DREAM MAKES US TO REACH OUR DREAM INSTANTLY BUT ALWAYS KEEPS IN IMAGINARY WORLD.
In KUNG FU PANDA, when Panda thinking about its inefficiency to learn KUNG FU and its past failures,Old Wise Tortoise turns its perception towards its life just by saying YESTERDAY IS HISTORY,TOMORROW IS MYSTERY,TODAY IS A GIFT......THATS WHY ITS CALLED A GIFT....this is a well known quote and we knew it many days back itself........but if we question ourself,in every day of our life do we really living in present? for me the answer is Nooooooo,in most of the cases....If i Question my mind why you are not staying in present and not working? Its simple answer is,
I can do what ever task you assign to me,fractional part of my efficiency easily Solves the most Difficult Tasks in your life,But You are not Loving the Present moment in your life,thats why i am roaming in past and future moments instead of Working........-
Thank You So much for reading friends, feel free to give feed back...