Hey, Can Any one tell me, Which is the Best book for TAX, (No Singhania Pls).
Govind Rathore (CA Final) (543 Points)
15 March 2010Hey, Can Any one tell me, Which is the Best book for TAX, (No Singhania Pls).
CA Dhiraj Ramchandani
(CA, M. com)
(10823 Points)
Replied 15 March 2010
Hi, if u want other than SINGHANIA...
Then PADHUKA is better option, from exam point of view
Gunjan Jain
(127 Points)
Replied 15 March 2010
I agree with Dhiraj. But u can also follow Ahuja & Gupta.
Govind Rathore
(CA Final)
(543 Points)
Replied 15 March 2010
oki thanks, are you aware of T. G SURESH Book, (Faculty in Chennai), i went to him for Tax.
CA Ravi Sisodia
(32226 Points)
Replied 15 March 2010
According to me Padhukas is best for Tax.
Govind Rathore
(CA Final)
(543 Points)
Replied 15 March 2010
yeah CA Ravi sisodia
, i do agree with you, thanks
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114773 Points)
Replied 15 March 2010
For Income tax theory == You may refer Girish Ahuja or TN Manoharan
For tax practicals == You may refer Paduka or Singhania.
Govind Rathore
(CA Final)
(543 Points)
Replied 15 March 2010
Hey Ankur bhai, dont you think that juggling between two books is time consuming, that too when exams are over head !
CA Dhiraj Ramchandani
(CA, M. com)
(10823 Points)
Replied 15 March 2010
Govind bhai... Padhuka is a good book yaar...
And at the end, its u who has to decide. Moreover, more of us will give u different views.. I think u urself should visit a shop nearby and check out any book out of them....
(193 Points)
Replied 15 March 2010
TN Manoharan Book is the best for Tax
(5205 Points)
Replied 15 March 2010
u should go for T N MANOHARAN