For DT if you find that you cannot go in-depth, do we infer that you may not have much time to devote on Vinod Gupta’s module. In that case, you could opt for T N Manoharan's book. It is simple and lucid. However, one of the drawback’s of this book is its summary portion that is very limited. I would either suggest you to make your own notes or to pick Summary Module of Vinod Gupta. It is very essential to have summary for your revision.
For IDT, Bangar is a good book but again the drawback is, it does not have summary for quick revision, so you have to toil hard to make your own notes for revision.
In addition, I urge you to complement the above books with ICAI's publication.
1. Supplementary Study Material (Amendments made in Finance Act 2012)
2. Select case law book.
3. Practice Manual (latest for A.Y 2013 -14)
4. Revision Test Paper (give importance on Circulars/Notifications)
Best regards