Believing Your Capabilities


Have you ever wondered about the innocence of childhood?
How beautiful things were when we were kids.

Looking at world with hope, optimism and curiosity and not with cynicism.
Making friends easily.
Simplifying things.
Life was not at all complicated.

So often, I have met people reminiscing about that golden era amidst the quagmire of adult life.

Well, I think it’s never too late actually.
We can’t replicate those things.
We can’t go back to that period.

But yes, we can always learn from that stage of life.
We can always revisit that kindergarten atmosphere.

We can still be simple, take great pleasures in small things of life, making friends easily.

We can still trust people.

The choice is ours.

Life is a thing to be lived fully.
As it has been said "There are only two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
So one should always strive to fulfill one’s capabilities.
Lets enjoy this poem and start believing your capabilities

Who I am is unimportant, don’t look to heavens above
See what has been and what could be with just a little love
A world that’s full of anger and hate, will eat itself away
A world which is loved, with a people that care, will see another day
My time with you is over and very soon I’ll leave
You all must carry on this task, spread love and self-belief
For every heart you touch with love, a hundred more will shine
This world will become a true paradise until the end of time