dear friends...
my doubt is...
can a belated service tax return be revised or not...
please clarify....
Harendra Kumar
(Tax Advisor )
(1326 Points)
Replied 01 May 2014
There is no provision for belated return to be converted in revised but you can try on ACES m,ay be possible.
Umesh Pandey
(22 Points)
Replied 01 May 2014
Yes you can revise as no restiction under service tax act, the restiction under income tax act only and both act are seperate
Umesh Pandey
(22 Points)
Replied 01 May 2014
Yes you can revise as no restiction under service tax act, the restiction under income tax act only and both act are seperate
(27 Points)
Replied 01 May 2014
syed kalimuddin
(article assistent)
(75 Points)
Replied 01 May 2014