Beautiful thoughts 3

Vandana J Doshi (Practising Company Secretary)   (12562 Points)

21 June 2013  

1. Fallen flowers can't climb back, but if the root is strong, new flowers bloom, let's not think  of the past just love the present & live for the moment.

2. If you blame others for your failures, do you credit others with your successes?

3. Difficulties are of AMAZING NATURE. For some these are SPEED BREAKERS and for others these are OPPORTUNITIES to JUMP.

4. Difference between destiny & karma. When will "The Great Almighty" open the door is "destiny" & the fact that one have to walk through it is "karma".


5. Relations should be like two zeroes, when we try to add they are same, when we subtract they are again same. But when try to divide its just impossible.


6. The way we think is indeed strange?
    " We look for justification when we are wrong & We look for justice when others are wrong."


7. True guidance can be like a small lamp in a tunnel. It does not show everything at once, but
    gives enough light for next step to be safe.


HAVE A GR8 WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!