Beautiful poem: the tone of your voice...

CA. Tanvi Joshi (Chartered Accountant) (2739 Points)

08 July 2013  

 It’s not so much what you say, as the manner in which you say it.


It’s not so much the language you use, as the tone in which you convey it.


Words may be mild and fair, but the tone may pierce like dart.


Words may be soft as the summer air, but the tone may break a heart.


For words come from the mind grow by study and art, but tone leaps from the inner self, revealing the state of your heart.


Whether you know it or not, Whether you’re mean or care, Gentleness, Kindness, Love and Hate, Envy, Anger are there.


Then, would you quarrels avoid and peace and love rejoice?


Keep anger not only out of your words, Keep it out of your voice.