- Seven days without laughter makes one weak.
- One good thing about being wrong is the joy it brings to the others.
§ God made only a number of perfect heads - the rest he covered with hair.
§ He who hesitates is probably a faster thinker than you.
§ If all the world is a stage, where does the audience sit?
§ In just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday.
§ Indecision is the key to flexibility.
§ Isn't it scary how doctors call their work "practice"?
§ 'Listen' has the same alphabets as 'silent'.
§ He who hesitates is probably a faster thinker than you.
§ Seven days without laughter makes one weak.
§ Don't take life too seriously: You'll never get out alive anyway.
§ I'm not a complete idiot: Some parts are missing.
§ Old Age is when action creaks louder than words.
§ Warning: Dates on Calendar are closer than they appear.
§ Too many clicks spoil the browse.