be together.. it will help u

tanuja........... (pcc student) (571 Points)

07 April 2009  

hello all of you. you all have heard the story of rabbit and tortoise. but i made it to continue..... after the rabbit lost the race he decided to have another race. The race was of 10 kms and this time rabiit wins the race from a large distance defeating tortoise. rabbit takes 20 minutes to complete the race while the time taken by tortoise was 20 hours. After that tortoise decided to have 1 more race but he said that this time the race will be held in water and will be of 10 kms.This time tortoise wins the race. He completed the race in just 20 minutes and rabbit takes 20 hours. Then they both decided that if we help each other than we can complete the 20 kms distance in just 40 minutes. For the land race the tortoise sat on rabbit backs and he complete 10 kms in just 20 min. and in the water it was tortoise who made the rabbit to sit over his back. and in this way they both complete the paths of 20 kms in just 40 minutes.

together we can make a difference