Be successful in year 2oo9

Amresh Choudhary (M.Sc. (Maths) MBA LLB (DU))   (694 Points)

06 January 2009  

 Dear  Friends,

Be Successful in 2009...

Will 2009 be your best year ever?

Do you want 2009 to be your best year ever?

of course you do!

Here is the best…'s in your power to make it your most

successful year ever. You have the God given ability to make

2009 your best year.

Here is even better news.

It gets even better....what you are going to learn is

not difficult, in fact it's just requires you to stick

with it....that's all.

Can you stick with it?

Of course you can, and I believe that you will.


Because………....I know you can do it.

Be Successful in 2009... "Part 1"

Now...lets get started….this is going to be fun!

I am going to start by asking you a couple of questions:

Have you ever planned for a vacation?

Have you ever planned for a wedding or other important

personal family event?

I know your answer was "yes" to at least one of the questions above!

Now, we are going to "plan" to make 2009 the best year ever for you!

Think about that statement above. You are about to plan a year

of your life! Have you ever done that before? My bet is that your

answer to that question was NO! That is exactly why you are

guaranteed to be successful....because in all your years, you have never done what you are about to do.

Here is another reason why you can count on will be bringing the universal forces of God and nature to your aid. You will not be succeeding will have help.

OK...lets get started.

As I said above, in order to make 2009 your best year ever you will be doing something you have never done before....planning your year and your success.

**Step 1**

This is it...this is where the rubber hits the road, this is where

your life begins to change. You are not going to believe how easy

this first step is.

I want you to go to the store "TODAY" and buy a yellow legal


WOW....that was easy!  If you already own a yellow notepad you

don't even have to go buy one. I told you that this was going to be

easy didn't I?

**Step 2**

OK, this is a mental step. I want you to create a new habit in your

life. (Imagine The Power of Positive Habits wants you to add a new habit to your life)  Well that is my job after all, to help you become the best you can be through new habits.

Your new habit and mental step 2 is to carry the yellow notepad

with you EVERYWHERE YOU GO!  That's right, I said everywhere you go. OK, I know that right now you are saying "I am not bringing that yellow notepad to my sisters wedding next week!"

You are right, you don't have to bring your yellow notepad to your

sisters wedding  but I want you to get into the habit of having it

with you just about all the time, at work, when you pick up the

kids at school, etc.

I can guarantee you that this one simple habit will get the

attention of people around you. People will ask you about this

yellow notepad that seems to always be with you like some new

companion. You will smile when people ask you about your notepad because you will know how this new companion in your life is "changing" your life.

Guess what?  I will be smiling too. Why?

Because I know that as you look down at your "life changing" yellow notepad you will think of me :)

**Step 3**

OK, this is a fun step. I want you to make a wish list.

I want you to write down on your yellow notepad companion

a list of all the things you want in 2009. Go wild! Go crazy!

Do you want a vacation in Hawaii……..or any other place?

How about a new car?

Do you want a new career?

How about a new house?

I want you to be creative, I want you to visualize the things that

will make you happy and successful in 2009 and write them

all down on your yellow notepad.

That's it!

This concludes "Part One" of your life changing

"Making 2009 your Best Year Ever."

Was that hard? Of course not.

Oh, one more thing....I want you to read your "wish list" aloud

each day until you get part 2 (I will write the second part late on………in this forum caclubindia only). This may sound silly

but trust is an incredibly powerful part.

Also, remember one more thing.....I love you all!

Part 2 is coming in few days so watch forum closely.

As always, I will provide you with information

at the end that will help you on your journey. Remember that the best investment you can make is an investment in yourself.


Today I am going to show you and tell you about an amazing

opportunity that is available to you right now.


An opportunity to change peoples lives for the better

while at the same time achieving financial prosperity.

I am talking about a potential 6 figure income

12 months from now if you are willing to work hard

at it.

Imagine running a global business from

your home with BIL   GATES as your business partner!


With  regards- Amresh