Be Spiritual, but with a purpose !!

CA. Rajeev Aggarwal (Chartered Accountant) (3424 Points)

15 December 2008  

DOUBTLESS, practice of honesty attains fulfilment only when accompanied by other needed virtues of head and heart, calling for enterprise, foresight, dynamism and hard work. Rightly was it noted by a major organisation’s senior officer, himself upright and dynamic, that he would rather be served by intelligent and resourceful persons, who may otherwise be prone to some minor corruption, than be served by honest dullards! 

   Indeed, there abound many, who, secretly doubting their own value systems, damage themselves and others, gloating on their ‘honesty’, incapable of extending this virtue to its logical completion. Similarly, there also exist innumerable ‘spiritual’ persons whose only claim to this virtue is the vast time spent on stereotyped worship, visit to holy places and ‘meditation’. Some even imagine that they are potential messiahs, leading erring humanity to salvation! 

   An insight would reveal that, more often than not, such persons would be ineffective, incapable of performing even small necessary acts with the needed clarity and briskness. Their single track mind also shuts their eyes to many, who, without depending on any such ‘spiritual’ exercises, are far more brisk, efficient and creative. 

   An analysis of the related issues would enable the true seeker to divine the fact that all spiritual techniques, including meditation, should serve only the limited objective of neutralising the stresses within and the binding effects of the past. These techniques are thus only the ‘means’ to realise the ultimate objective (the ‘end’), which should be effectiveness, clarity and harmony with all aspects within and without. 

   After all, the business of life is to get on with it. Excessive resort to such ‘spiritual crutches’, is often a sign of a disorder in one’s very approach to life and in his ways of acting and thinking. It would therefore be necessary to be clear about one’s priorities, utilising these time-tested and powerful spiritual practices and techniques merely to integrate and harmonise all aspects of one’s personality. In the clarity thus obtained, he should, sooner than later, evolve into briskness, flow and joyful work, which verily is worship and also a more powerful meditative technique — a true catharsis to the spirit within. 

   This also is the ultimate methodology to realise for oneself the final objective of all worthwhile living — being spiritual, while also simultaneously living with purpose and vision!