Basic cost definations a to z

CMA Ankur Pandey (Govt.Job) (4401 Points)

18 October 2011  


Dictionary :




Abs orbed Ove rhead: Ov erheads  which, b y mean s of absorption  rates, in i ncluded in costs of specifi c products or saleable se rvices, in a g iven period of time .


Abs orption  Cost:  Th e  p roce du re  whi ch  ch arge s  f ixe d  a s  wi ll  a s  varia ble  ov erh e ad  at  a p redetermined  level of a ctivity.


Abs orption  Rate:  A  rate  charg ed  to  a  co st  unit  inte nde d  to  acco unt  f or  the  ove rhea d  at  a p redetermined  level of a ctivity.


Acti vi ty-ba sed Costing  (ABC):  Cost attribution  to cost uni ts on the basis of benefit re ceived f ro m i ndi re ct activities, e.g ., ord ering, setti ng-u p-, assu ring qu ality.


Adminis tra tion Cost: Co st of manage me nt, an d of secretarial,  a ccoun ting and admin istrativ e service s,   which   cannot   b e   dire ctl y   rela ted   to   th e   production,   marketin g,   research   or d evelop me nt f unction s of the ente rprise.


Attainable  S ta nda rd : A standard  wh ich can be a ttain ed if a standa rd un it of work is carrie d o ut eff icientl y, a machi ne p rope rly o pera ted o r a materi el p rope rly u sed . Allo wances are mad e fo r normal losse s, wa ste and ma chine down time.


Th e sta nda rd rep re se nts f uture  p erf orman ce a nd  objectiv es wh ich  are  rea son abl y attainable . Be sid es  havin g  a  de si rable  motivationa l  i mp act  on  emplo ye es,  attainable  standards  serve o ther   pu rposes,   e .g.,   cash   bud geting,   inventory   valua tion   a nd   budge ting   dep artmental p erf ormance.




Bas ic  Standa rd:  A  standa rd  e sta bli she d  for  use  over  a  long  p eriod  f ro m  which  a  curre nt standard can be develope d.


Bas es of Apportionment:  Formul ae v arying a ccording  to the n ature of co sts for th e purp ose of apportio ning those co sts among cost centres or p rodu cts.


Bas ic Costing  Me thod:  A me thod  of costing  which  is devise d to suit  th e me thod s by  which g ood s are manuf actured or servi ce s a re provid ed.


Batc h  Cost:  Ag greg ated  costs  rela tiv e  to  a  cost  u nit  which  con si sts  of  a  gro up  of  similar a rticl es which maintain s i ts identity throu ghout o ne or more stag es of pro ductio n


Batc h  Costing:  Th at f orm  of  spe cific  ord er co sting  which  applie s whe re  simila r a rticles  a re manufactured  in ba tches,  eith er for sale  o r f or use  within  the unde rtaking.  I n mo st case s the costing is simila r to job costin g.


Brea king-down  Time : The time required  to ret urn a wo rk station to a st and ard cond itio n af t er comple tion of a n operation .


Brea k-even  Chart:  A  chart  which  indicates  a ppro ximat e  p rofit  or  lo ss  a t  d ifferent  levels  of sale s v olu me withi n a limited rang e.


Brea k-even  Point  :  Th e  lev el  of  activity  at  whi ch  the re  is  neithe r  profit  or  loss.  It  can  b e a scertai ned by using a break -even chart or by ca lculation .


Budget  : A p lan e xp ressed  in mo ney.  It is p repa red and ap proved  p rior to be bud get period a nd may sh ow in co me, expen ditu re an d th e capi tal to be emplo yed .


Budget  Cost  Allowance:  The  cost  whi ch  a  budget  cen tre  is  e xpe cted  to  incur  in  a  contro l p eriod .


At  its  simplest  this  usually  comp rise s  va riab le  costs  in  dire ct  proporti on  to  the  volume  of p roductio n o r serv ice achi eve d, a nd fixed costs a s a prop ortio n of the ann ual bud get .


Budget Period: The p eriod f or wh ich a bu dge t is prep ared and use d, whi ch may the n b y su b- d ivi ded into co ntrol pe riods.


Budgetary  Control:  The e stabli shmen t of bu dge ts relati ng to resp onsib iliti es of executives  to th e requ iremen ts of a pol icy, and the continu ous compa riso n of a ctual with b udgeted  results, e ithe r to secure  b y individu al a ctio n the  objective  of that p oli cy o r to provide  a basis  for this re vision.


Budget  Centre :  A  sectio n  of  an  en tity  f or  which  control  may  be  exercise d  a nd  budgets p repared.


By-product:   A   pro duct   which   is   recove red   in cid ent ally   f rom   the   mate rial   u se d   in   th e manufacture  of  recog nised  main  p ro du cts,  such  a  by-p rodu ct  havin g  either  a  net  realisabl e v alu e or a usable  value  whi ch  is  rela tively  l o w in co mp arison  with  t he  salea ble  value  of th e main products. By-pro ducts may be f urth er p roce ssed to in crea se the ir realisable v alue.






Capital Ex penditure Budget: A plan f or capital e xpend iture in moneta ry te rms.


Capital  Expenditure:  Exp enditure  o n  fi xe d  a ssets  or  additions  th ereto  inten ded  to  benef it fu ture a ccoun ting periods  (in contra st to revenu e expendit ure whi ch b enefits a cu rrent period) o r e xpenditure  wh ich increases  the capa city, effi cie ncy,  lif e sp an or e conomy  of opera tion  of a n existing fixed a sset.


Cas h  Flow  Budget:  A  de tailed  budge t  of  inco me  a nd  ca sh  expe nditure  incorporati ng  bot h re ven ue and capita l ite ms.


Th e cash flow b udg et should b e pre pare d in the same fo rmat in whi ch the a ctu al p osi tion is to b e pre sented. The ye ars budget is usuall y phased into sh orte r peri ods f or con trol, e .g. monthly o r qua rterly.


Cha ngeover  Time:  The time  required  to change  a work stati on f ro m a state of readine ss f or o ne o pera tion to a sta te of rea din ess for ano ther.


Common   Costs:   Shared   cost s  of  mo re  th an  one  product  or  service,   whe re  th e  share d p roportion s are de termined by managemen t de cision .


Contribution  Centre:  A  prof it centre  who se  expendi ture  is  re port ed  on  a  marginal  o r direct cost basis.



Conti nuous  Ope ration/ Proces s Costing:  The ba si c co sti ng method  ap pli ca ble wh ere go ods o r services result f ro m a se quence of continuous or repetitiv e operat ion s or processes to wh ich costs a re charged b efore being ave rage d over the u nits pro duced duri ng t he perio d.


Contra ct  Cost:  Aggre gated  co sts  re lative  to  a  single  cont ra ct de si gna ted  as  cost  uni t. This u sually ap plied to ma jor long term co ntracts as dist in ct f ro m sho rt term jo b co sts.


Contra ct Costing: Tha t form of spe cifi c o rder costing which ap pli es where wo rk i s un derta ke n to customer s special requiremen ts a nd each orde r is of lo ng d uration (compa re d wit h tho se to whi ch  jo b  costin g  applie s)  The  work  i s  usually  co nstructional  and  in  gen eral  th e  method  is similar to job costing.


Contribution:   Sal es   v alue   le ss   variable   cost   of   sale s.   It   may   be   expre ssed   as   total contribution,  co ntribution pe r unit or a s a pe rcen tage of sales.


Control lable or M anaged  Cost: A co st, charg eable to a bu dge t or co st -cent re, which can b e influ enced by t he a cti ons of t he person i n who m cont rol of the ce ntre is v ested .

It i s no t alwa ys possi ble to pre dete rmin e respo nsi bility, because  th e rea son f or devi atio n f rom e xpe cte d pe rformance may on ly become evident late r. For e xa mpl e, e xcessive scrap may arise f ro m i nadequ ate sup erv ision o r f rom lat ent defe ct i n pu rchased mate rial.


Conversion  Cost:  Costs  of conv erti ng materi al input  into semi -f ini sh ed or f inished  p rodu cts, i. e.   ad diti onal   dire ct   mate rial s,   di rect   wa ges,   di rect   e xp enses   and   absorbed   pro duction o verh ead .


Cos t Ce ntre : A  productio n or  se rvice  lo cation,  fu nction  a ctivity  or  item  of  equipmen t wh ose cost ma y b e at tribu ted t o cost uni ts.


Cos t   Ac counting:   The   est abli shmen t   of   bu dge ts,   standard   costs   an d   actual   co sts   of o peration s, pro ce sses a ctiviti es o r prod uct s   and the a nal ysis of va riances,  profitab ilit y or the social u se of funds. The u se of the term costing  is not recommended  exce pt with a qualif yin g a djectiv e e .g., standard co sti ng.


Cos t  (as a noun) : The a mo unt of expendit ure (a ctual or n otional) incurre d on , or attribu tabl e to , a specified thing or a ctivity.

(a s a verb ) : to ascerta in the cost of a sp ecifie d thing or activity.

Th e word Cost ca n rarely sta nd alon e and should b e q ualified as to its natu re and limi tations.


Cos t All ocation:  Tha t part of cost attributi on whi ch charges  spe cif ic cost t o a co st centre  or cost unit.


Cos t Apportionment:  That p art of co st a ttribu tion which share s costs a mong t wo or more cost centre s o r cost un its in p ropo rtion to the estimated  ben efi t receiv ed u sin g a p roxy, e .g. squa re metre s.


Cos t As certai nme nt: The collection  of costs attri butable  to cost centres a nd cost units using th e costing me thod s, p rincipl es and technique s p rescrib ed f or a p articul ar bu sin ess e ntity.


Cos t  Attri bution:   The  process  of  relating  cost  to  cost  cent res  or  cost  units  u si ng  cost a llocati on o r co st appo rtion ment.


Cos t  of  Sales :  Th e  sum  of  di rect  co st  of  sa les  plus  f actory  overh ead  att ributable  to  the tu rnover.


In ma nag ement a ccoun ts th is may be referre d to a s pro ductio n co st of sa les, or cost of go ods sold .


Cos t Unit: A unit of prod uct or service in relat ion to wh ich costs are a scertaine d.


Cos t  Unit   Rate:   A  ra te  calculated   b y  d ivi ding   the   budge t  or  estimate d  overhead   cost a ttribu tabl e to a cost  cent re by th e amount  of  dire ct labou r cost  expected  to b e incurre d (or whi ch would relate t o working at normal capaci ty) a nd e xp ressing the result as a pe rcentage.


Current  Standard  : A standard  establi sh ed for use ov er a lo ng  pe riod f ro m whi ch  a curren t standard can be develope d.



Depre cia tion: The me asu re of th e wea ring o ut, consumpti on or o ther loss of v alu e of a f ixed a sset  wh eth er  a risi ng  f rom  use ,  d eflu xio n  of  time  or  o bsolescence  through  technolog y  an d market chan ges (SSAP 1 2).


Develop ment  Cos t: The  co st  of  using  scien tific  or  tech nical  knowl edg e in  order  to prod uce n ew  o r substan tially  impro ved  mate rial s,  devices,  p rodu cts,  p rocesses,  systems  o r servi ces p rior to the commencement  of comme rcial pro ductio n (SSAP 1 3)


Direc t Cost  of Sales : The sum of dire ct materi als con sumed , dire ct wag es, direct  expenses a nd varia ble production overhead.


In ma nagement accou ntin g this may be refe rre d to as dire ct p rodu ction cost of sales.


Direc t Expe nses : Co sts other than materi als or lab our, wh ich can be iden tified in a specified p roduct o r saleable service.


Direc t Labour Cost: Th e cost of re mu nera tion f or e mployees efforts and skills a ppl ied dire ctly to a p rodu ct o r saleable service an d wh ich can be identified separately in prod uct costs.


Direc t Ma terials Cost: The co st of materials ente ring into and becoming  co nstituent elements of a p rodu ct o r saleable service an d wh ich can be identified separately in prod uct costs.


Dis tribution Cos t: Co st i ncu rred i n wareh ousing sa leable product s and in del ive ring p roducts to cu sto mers.


Direc t hours: The hou rs of emplo yee s appl ied dire ctl y to a p rodu ct o r se rvice.


Dow n time: The pe riod of ti me f or whi ch a work sta tion is not ava ilable for pro ductio n due to a fu nction al failu re.


Direc t Labour Cost Pe rc enta ge Rate : A rate ca lculat ed b y d ivi din g th e bu dge ted or estimate d o verh ead co st a ttrib utable to a cost centre by the app ropri ate number of di rect labour hours.


Hou rs may be either th e nu mber of hou rs e xpe cte d to be wo rke d, or the n umber of ho urs which wou ld relate to worki ng a t no rmal capacity.


Departme ntal/Functional  Budget  :  A  b udg et  of  income  and /or  expenditu re  applicable  to  a p articula r f un ction.


A f unction ma y re fer to a depa rtme nt o r a proce ss.



Ec onomic Order Quantity:  A qu anti ty of ma terials to be orde red wh ich takes into account th e o ptimum  combin ation  of  (i)  bul k disco unt s from  h igh  v olu me  purch ases,  (ii ) u sage  rate,  (iii) stock  ho ldi ng costs,  (iv ) stora ge capa ci t y, (v) o rder de livery t ime , and (vi) co st of p rocessing th e ord er.


Ele ment of Cost: Th e constituent parts of costs a ccordin g th e factors up on wh ich expen ditu re is in cu rre d viz. Ma teria ls, labour and expenses.



Equival ent Units:  A no tional  quan tity of comp lete d units sub stituted  for an actual  quantity  of in co mplete physi ca l units in p rogre ss, when the agg rega te wo rk conte nt of the incomple te u nits is  dee me d  to  be  equivalent  to  tha t of  the  substituted  qu antity  of  complet ed  units,  e .g.,  150 u nits 50 percent co mplete = 75 eq uiv alent u nits.


Th e prin ciple  a ppli es wh en  op eration  cost s are  b eing  app ortioned  b et wee n  work  i n progress a nd comple te outpu t.


Employ ment Cos t: A g ene ric te rm given  to co sts attrib utab le to a n employe e, in addi tion  to g ross wag es/ salaries.


The y usual ly  in clude  emplo ye rs national  he alth  insu rance  an d  state  p en sio ns  contributi ons, e mployers pen sio n pre miu ms, holida ys with p ay, e mp loyers contrib utions to sickness  benef it sch eme s a nd othe r benefi ts, e .g. p rotectiv e clot hing an d ca nte en sub sidies.


Exc eptions Reporting:  A syst em of repo rtin g ba sed on the e xcepti on p rincipl e which focu ses a ttention on t hose items whe re pe rformance d iffe rs significantly f ro m standa rd or budget.



Fi xed Ove rhead Cost:  The cost  which  accru es i n rela tion to the passa ge of time and wh ich, wit hin certain o utpu t and turn ove r limits, ten ds t o be unaffected  b y f luctuati ons in the l eve ls of a ctivity (ou tput or turnov er).


Example s are rent, ra tes, insuran ce and execu tive salarie s. Oth er terms used included  period cost and policy cost.


Fi rs t  in,  First  out  Price  (FIFO):     A  met hod  of  pricing  ma terial  i ssues  using  the  oldest p urch ase pri ce first.


Fi xed Budget: A bu dge t which i s de signed to re main u nch ang ed i rresp ective of the v olume of o utpu t or tu rnov er attai ned .


Fl exible   Budge t:   A   bud get   wh ich ,  by  reco gni sing   diff erent   co st   behavio ur  pa tterns,   is d esi gne d to ch ang e as volume of ou tpu t ch ang es.



Increme ntal  Costing  :  A  technique  used  in  the  pre para tion  of  ad  ho c  info rma tion  whe re conside ration  is  given  to a range  of g radu ate d or  ste ppe d changes  in  the  level  o r natu re  of a ctivity, an d the add itio nal costs and revenues likely to result f rom e ach de gree of change a re p rese nted.


Increme ntal  Yield  :  A  me asu re  u se d  i n  capital  investment  app raisal  whe re  a  ch oice  lies b etwee n t wo or more p rojects.


Th e  cash  flo ws  of  project  A  are  dedu cted  from  th ose  of  proj ect  B  and  the  rate  of  re turn  is calcula ted on the i ncre me nta l ca sh flow.


Increme ntal  Rate  of  Return  (IRR):    A  percen tage  discou nt  rate  u sed  in  ca pital  inv e stmen t a ppraisa l whi ch b ring s th e cost of a project an d its fut ure  cash inflows in to e quality.


Idle  Time : The  pe riod of  time  f or  which  a work  station  is  ava ilable  f o r p rodu ction  but  is n ot u tilised due to sho rtage of tooling mat erial, op erati ons, et c.


Ideal Sta ndard:  A stand ard whi ch can be att ained un der th e mo st f avo urab le conditions  wi th n o  allowa nce  for  normal  losses,   wa ste  and  machine   do wntime.  Al so  kn own  a s  p otential standard.



Inves tment  Centre : A p rof it centre  wh ose  perfo rman ce i s me asured  b y it s return  o n capital e mployed.

Indirect  Expe nses:  Expe nses  which  are  no t  charg ed  di rectly  to  a  prod uct,  e .g.,  buildi ngs, in su rance, wa ter rat es.


Indirect   Labour  Cost:  La bou r  Costs  wh ich  are  not  ch arge d  di rectly  to  a  product,  e.g ., supe rvisio n.


Indirect  Ma terials  Cos t:  Materi als  costs  which  are  not  charg ed  dire ctl y  to  a  p rodu ct,  e.g . cool ant, cleani ng material s.



J ob Cost: Aggregated  co sts rel ative to a cost uni t which consists of a single spe cifi c customer o rder o r specific task.


J ob Costing:  That  fo rm of specifi c orde r costing  which  ap plie s whe re work i s und erta ken  to customers spe cial req uire ments and each orde r is of co mparativel y short d uration (compare d wit h tho se to wh ich co ntract co sting app lies).


Th e work is usually carried ou t with in a f actory or worksh op a nd mov es throu gh p rocesses an d o peration s as a contin uou sly identifiable  unit. Th e term ma y also be applied  to work su ch as p roperly re pai rs a nd th e meth od my be u se d in the co stin g of internal ca pital e xpe ndi ture jobs.


J oint Cost:   Th e co sts of p rovidin g two o r m ore p rodu cts or servi ce s who se p rodu ction coul d n ot, fo r physi cal rea son s, b e segre gat ed.


Example , the co st of sh eep rea ring to pro duce b oth mutton and wool .


J oint Produc ts: Two o r more p rodu cts separa ted in the cou rse of proce ssin g, ea ch hav ing a suffi cie ntly high sale able valu e to me rit recognition a s a ma in p rodu ct.



Li miting  Fa ctor  or  Key  Factor:  A  f act or  wh ich  a t  any  ti me  or  ov er  a  period  may  li mit  th e a ctivity of a n e ntity, of ten one where there is sh ortag e o r diffi cul ty of supply.


Long-term   Strategic   Planning   :  The  formulation ,  ev aluation   and  selection   of  strate gies invo lving  a  revie w  o f  the  objectiv es  of  an  org anisation,  the  enviro nment  in  which  it  is  to o perate,  and  a n  assessmen t of  its  streng ths,  we akn esses,  opportu nities  an d  threa ts  for  th e p urpose of prepari ng a lon g te rm strate gic pl an of action whi ch wi ll a ttain the obj ective set.





La st in, Fi rs t out Price (LI FO):   A method  of p ricing mate rial i ssues using the la st p urch ase p rice first.


Li fe  cyc le cos ting:  The  p ract ice  of  obtaini ng,  ov er their  lif e -times,  the  best  use  of  ph ysical a ssets at th e lo west total co st to the en tity (terot echnol ogy).


Th is  is  achieved   th roug h  a  co mbina tion  of  ma nag ement,  financial ,  engineering   and  oth er d isciples.


Long Te rm Budge t: A lo ng term plan usually prepared in monetary te rms.



M ana gement Audi t: An objective an d independ ent a ppra isal of the effectiv ene ss of managers a nd th e ef f ective ness of the co rpora te structure i n the achievemen t of compan y o bje ctives an d p olicie s.


Its ai m i s to identif y existing an d po tential management  we aknesse s within an o rganisation an d to recommen d wa ys to rectif y the se weakne sses.


M argin of Safety : The exce ss of normal o r act ual sales over sales at brea k-even poi nt


M arke ting  Cos t:  The   cost  in cu rred  i n  researchi ng  the  poten tial   ma rket s  a nd  p romotin g p roducts in sui tabl y a ttractive f orms and at a cceptable prices.


M aste r Budget:  A budget  which  is p repa red  f ro m,  an d  summarises,  the  f un cti onal  budgets. Th e te rm summa ry b udget is syno nymo us.



M achine Hour Ra te : A ra te calculated by dividing th e bu dge t or e sti mat ed ove rhea d or l abo ur a nd  ov erhe ad  co st  attributa ble  to  a  mach ine  g roup  of  similar  ma chine s  by  the  a ppropriat e n umb er of ma ch ine hou rs.


Th e  hou rs  ma y  be  the  n umber  of  ho urs  for  whi ch  the  machine  or  group  is  expected  to  be o perated,  the  number  of  ho urs  wh ich  wo uld  rel ate  to  norma l  worki ng  for  the  f acto ry,  or  ful l capa cit y.


M argin:  Sales  less the cost of sale s expresse d either as a value  or a pe rcen tage. Since  the margi n ma y b e calculated  at diffe rent stages,  the te rms g ross and ne t ma rgin, also kno wn as g ross profit a nd et profit, a re used to differe ntia te betwee n th e levels.


M argina l Cost: Th e co st of one uni t of product  or servi ce wh ich would  be avo ided if that unit were no t prod uced o r provided.


Note : In th is con text, a u nit i s u sually ei ther a si ngle arti cle or a standa rd measure such as th e litre  or  kilo gram,  but  may  in  certai n  circumsta nce s  be  an  operation ,  p ro ce ss  o r  pa rt  of  a n o rganisa tion.


M argina l Costing: The accounting system in which v ariable cost are ch arge d to co st u nits an d fi xed co sts of t he period are writte n of f in f ull against the agg rega te con tribution .







Non-controlla ble Cos t (indirectly  controll ed cos t) : A cost  cha rgea ble to a bud get o r cost centre  which can o nly be influenced  indi rectly b y th e action s of the p erso n in whom co ntrol of th e centre is ve sted .


Typi cally, these costs wi ll be mainly a n a ppo rtion me nt of ov erhe ad costs of the en tity.


Notional Cos t: The value of a ben efit where no a ctual cost is incurre d.




Ope ra tion  Time:  The p erio d of time  req uired  to ca rry ou t a n op eration  on  a co mpl ete batch e xclusive of set-up a nd b reaking -do wn times.


Opportuni ty  Cost:  The  value  of  a  benefit  sa crificed  in  fav our  of  an  alte rnative  course  of a ctio n.


Ove rhead  Abs orption  M ethods : The  charging  of ove rh ea d to co st units  by  me ans  of  rates sepa rately calculated for e ach co st cen tre.


In mo st cases the rates are predete rmin ed.


Ove rhead Cost: Th e total cost of indirect materials, indirect labou r and ind irect expe nse s.







Prime Cost: The total co st of di re ct mat erials, direct labou r and di rect expen ses.

Th e term  prime  co st is commonly  restri cted  to dire ct production  co sts only  and  so  do es n ot customarily  include  direct  prod uction  costs  onl y  and  so  doe s  not  customarily  include  direct costs of ma rke ting or resea rch and dev elopment .


Production  Cost: Prime cost plus absorbe d pro ductio n ov erhead .


Pol icy  Cost:  Costs  in cu rre d  as  a  re sult  of  taking  a p articula r poli cy d eci sio n.  For  example, o wn ership  of assets  will  creat e a ch arge  for dep reciati on. Dep reciati on is, the ref ore , a policy cost.


Product Cost : The cost of a f inished pro duct built up f ro m i ts cost ele me nts.


An e xa mple of a product  cost which provi des f or a f i rst estimate , a su bsequ en t standard  cost a nd fo r sto ck valua tion s a t va riou s wo rk in pro gress stage.


Pe rpetual  Inventory  :  Th e  re co rding  a s  they  o ccur  of  receip ts,  issues,  an d  th e  re sulting b alan ce s of individu al items of sto ck in either qu ali ty o r qua ntit y and v alu e.


Phy sic al Inventory :  An invento ry d etermined b y a ctual coun t, wei ght or measuremen t.


Proc ess Time :  The perio d of time which elapses between t he start a nd f inish of o ne p rocess o r sta ge of a p rocess.


Production  Cost  Centre:  A  cost  in  which  prod uction  is  carried  on:  this  may  embrace  on e specifi c op eration , e.g ., ma chine , or a co ntin uou s p roce ss, e.g., di stillation .


Profit  Centre :   A pa rt of a bu siness  acco unta ble for co sts and revenue s. It may b e called  a b usi ness cen tre, b usi ness unit , or strategic bu sin ess unit .


PERT  (Proje ct Eva luation  and Review  Technology)  : A spe cifica tion of all activities  events a nd constrai nts relating to a p roje ct, f ro m wh ich a ne twork is d rawn wh ich provide s a model of th e wa y the project shoul d pro ce ed.


Product Life Cycle : The pa ttern of dema nd for a prod uct or servi ce ove r time.


Princ iple  Budget  Fac tor: A fa cto r wh ich , a t a part icu lar time  or ov er a pe riod,  will  limit th e a ctiviti es of an underta kin g a nd wh ich is, the ref ore , taken into acco unt i n preparing bud gets.



Publicity  Cost: (a) Co st in cu rred i n advertising and p romotion as aids to the ev ent ual sales of g ood s or services.


(b )  Cost  i ncu rred  in  adve rtising  and  promoti on  of  an  en tit y  a s  distinct  f rom  it s  products  or service s (p ubli c relations)




Raw Materia ls: Unprocessed  sto ck a wa iting co nv ersi on.


Cos t:  Cost  incurred  in  securin g  orders,  usuall y  including  sale smens  salari es,  commissions a nd travellin g e xpe nses.


Short te rm Budget: A bu dge t established  for u se ove r a short period of time (usually one ye ar b ut  someti me s  less)  and  wh ich  th e  person  respo nsible  is  expected  to  achieve  and  use  for control purposes.



Sta ndard: A Pre det ermined me asurable q uan tity se t in defi ned condi tion s a gai nst which actual p erf ormance can be compa red, usu all y fo r an ele ment of work, ope ra tio n or a ctivit y.


While  standa rd s may be base d on unquestion ed and i mmuta ble natural  la w o r fact s, they a re fi nal ly  se t  by  human  ju dge ment  a nd  consequ entl y  are  su bje ct  to  the  sa me  fallib ilit y  which a ttend s all huma n activity. Thu s a sta nda rd for 1 00 p ercent machine ou tpu t can be fixed b y its g eared input/outp ut spee ds, bu t the eff e ctive re ali sable outp ut stan dard is o ne of ju dge me nt.


Sta ndard Cos t: A stand ard e xpre ssed in mone y. It is built up f rom an assessmen t of th e v alu e of cost elements.  Its main uses are p rovi din g ba ses for performan ce mea sure ment, cont rol by e xception reporti ng, valuin g stock a nd e sta blishing selling prices.


Sta ndard  Price : A pre det ermined  p rice f ixed  on  the  basis  of a sp ecificatio n of  a pro duct  or service and of all f a cto rs affecting tha t pri ce.


Sta ndard   Produc tion   CostTotal:   Th e   pred ete rmin ed   cost   of   prod ucing   o r   p rovidin g specifi ed q uan titie s of products or se rvice at standard p erf o rman ce ov er a spe cif ied period.


Sta ndard   Production   Cost—Unit:   Th e  pre determi ned   co st  of  producing   or  providing   a specifi ed q uan tity of a prod uct or service at stan dard perf orma nce.


Sta ndard Profit—T otal: Th e predete rmined p rof it a rising f ro m the sale of actual  qua ntities of p roducts or servi ce s a t sta nda rd selling prices, ov er a spe cif ied perio d.


Sta nda rd  profi t  may  be  a t  th e  level  of  net  prof it,  gross  profit,  or  con tribu tion .  Profit  which re late s only to tra din g activities i s of ten ref erre d to as ope rating p rofit.


Sta ndard  Selling  PriceUnit:  A predetermi ned  p rice  for  a specified  u nit  to be  so ld.  A unit may co nsi st of a sin gle item or a ba tch of p roce ssed outp ut.


Sta ndard Unit of Work: A un it of wo rk consisting  of ba sic time pl us re laxation allowance  an d contingency a llowa nce whe re appli cable.


Th e unit of work ma y be for l abo ur ou tpu t onl y, a co mb ina tion of machin e and la bo ur ou tput , or fo r a machin e only.


Sta ndard  Time:  The  t otal  time  (h ours  and min utes)  in which  a ta sk should  b e compl eted  at standard perf o rmance , i.e . ba sic time p lus continge ncy allo wa nce where applicable.



Stoc k  Control:  The  systematic  regulati on  of  stock  lev els  wi th  respect  to  quantity,  co st an d lead time.


Th e altern ative te rm i nve nto ry contro l is common in the U.S.A.


Stoc k Recorder  Level:  A qua nti ty of mate rial s fixed i n advan ce a t which  level stocks  shoul d b e reo rdered.


Stoc ktak ing:  A p rocess  where by  stocks  (which  may  comp rise  direct  and  indi rect  materi als, work in prog ress an d finished go ods) are physi cally cou nte d and are the n valu ed i tem by ite m.


Th is  may  be  a t  a  p oin t i n  time  (p erio dic)  o r b y  co unti ng  an d  val uin g  a  number  of  ite ms  at d iffere nt ti me s (conti nuo us)


Se rvice Cost Centre: A cost centre p rov iding servi ce s to othe r cost centre s. W hen the outp ut of a n organi sation  i s a servi ce, rathe r t han g ood s, a n alternative  term i s no rmally u se d, e.g ., support cost ce ntre or uti lity co st cen tre.


Sc ra p:     Disca rded  material   wh ich  ha s  some  re covery  v alu e  an d  wh ich  is  usually  either d isp osed  of  with out  fu rther  trea tment  (oth er than  re cl amatio n and  handling),  or  rein trodu ce d in to th e p rodu ctio n p roce ss in pla ce of raw m ate rial .


Se t-up  Time:  The  time  require d  to  prepare  a  work  sta tion  f rom  a  standa rd  con diti on  t o re adiness to co mmence a sp ecifie d op erat ion.


Stoc k: Any curre nt asset  held for co nversion  in to cash  in the normal  course  of tra din g, e.g ., ra w mate rial s, wo rk-in progre ss, finished goods a nd good s i n tran sit , or on co nsignmen t, or o n sale or return.


Sunk Cost: Sha red costs of more than one prod uct o r service,  whe re the sha red proportions a re de termined by managemen t decision s.


Se mi-Varia ble  Cost/Se mi-Fixed  Cos t:  A  co st  containin g  both  f i xed  and  variable  el ements, a nd wh ich is thus pa rtly affe cte d by flu ctu ation in the level of a ctivity.


Se rvice /Func tion   Costing:   Co st   acco unting   for   servi ces   or   functio ns,   e .g.,   canteens, maintenance,   pe rso nnel.   Th ese   ma y  b e  ref e rred   to  as   se rvice   centre s,  d epa rtments   or fu nction s.


Spe cific   Orde r  Costing:   The  basic   cost  a ccoun ting   me thod  applicable   wh ere  th e  wo rk consists of separa te con tract s, jobs or batches.




Turnove r:  Amou nts  derive d  f rom  the  provi sio n  of  goods   and  se rvices  falling   within  th e compan ys  o rdinary  a ctivitie s,  af ter  ded uction  of  trade  discounts,  value  added  tax,  and  any o ther t axe s b ased o n the amou nts so derived (Companies Act )


Th is would no rmally be inv oiced sales less returns an d al lowa nce s.



Under-or-over-a bsorbe d  overhea d:  The  dif feren ce  betwe en  ove rhea d  cost  incurred   an d o verh ead co st a bsorbe d; it ma y b e split into its tow constitu te parts for control p urpo ses.



Uniform  Cos ting:  The  u se  by  sev eral  un dert akings  of  th e  same  costi ng  systems,  i.e.,  th e same ba sic costing me thod s, p rinciples and techni que s.







Va lue Ana lys is: A systematic in ter-di scipl inary e xamina tion of f actors affecting th e cost of a p roduct  o r  servi ce,  in  orde r  to  devise  mea ns  of  ach iev ing  th e  specified  purp ose  most e conomica lly at the requi red stan dard of qual ity and reliability.


Va ria nce :  Th e  dif feren ce  be tween  p lan ned , b udgeted,  or  standard  cost  and  actual  costs

(a nd simila rl y i n respe ct of rev enu es)


Note : This is not to be co nfused with th e stati stical vari ance wh ich me asu res the d isp ersion of a stati stical pop ula tion .

Va ria nce Analysis:  The anal ysis of va riance a risi ng in a standard costing system into thei r constituent parts.


It is the analysis  and compa riso n of th e f actors  which have cau sed the d ifference  bet ween p redetermined  st andards an d actua l result s, wi th a view to eliminating inefficien cie s.



Va ria ble Cost: Cost whi ch tend s to va ry wit h the level of a ctivity.


Va ria ble  Ove rhead  Cost:  Overh ead  cost  wh ich  tends  to  vary  wi th  c ha nge s  in  the  leve l  of a ctivity.



Weighte d Ave ra ge Pri ce: A me thod of p ricing ma terial issue s u sing a price wh ich is cal culate d b y d ivi ding the total cost of mate rial in stock b y th e total quantity in sto ck.


Waiting  Time:    The  peri od  of  time  for  which  an  op erator  i s  availa ble  fo r  p rodu ction  but  is p reve nted f rom working by sto rage of mate rial or to oling, machin e b reakdown .


Waste : Di scarde d substan ces havi ng no v alue (as di stin ct f rom scrap)


Work  in progres s: Any ma terial, co mpone nt, pro duct or co ntract  at a n inte rmedia te stage  of comple tion .



Ze ro  Ba se  Budge ting:  A  method  of  b udgeting  where by  all  a ctivities  a re  re -ev alu ated  each ti me a budget i s se t. Discrete  lev els of ea ch a ctivity are valued  and a combinati on chosen  t o match fu nds avail abl e.


Ea ch f unctional  budget  starts  with  the  a ssumptio n tha t t he f un cti on  do es not  exist  a nd  is a t zero  co sts.  Incre me nts  of  cost  a re  compa red  with  in cre men ts  of  be nef it,  cul mi nati ng  in  th e p lanned ma ximum benefi t f or a given bu dge t co st.