Someone guide me regarding for Exam of BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA held on 19/01/2013. I want to purchase the book, plz advise to us, where is found same. Various subject encluding the exam i.e.
01. Constitutional of Law
02. C.P.C.
03. Cr.P.C.
04. Evidance
05. Law of Contract
06. Specific Relief
07. Property Law
08. Special Contract N.I. Act
09. I.P.C.
10. Jurisprudence
11. Professional Ethics & Misconduct cases
12. Alternation Dispute Resulation
13. Arbitration Act
14. Limitation Act
15. Company Law
16. Labor Law
17. Industrial Law
19. Law of Tort
20. Motor Vehicle Accident
21. Consumer Protection Law
In this regard your earlier action would be highly appreciated.