I have a doubt, while we done BRS, if differnce occures after the reconcilation book balance is high and bank balance is less. what is the impact of that. Can any body give clarification on that.
20 January 2009I have a doubt, while we done BRS, if differnce occures after the reconcilation book balance is high and bank balance is less. what is the impact of that. Can any body give clarification on that.
Vijay Kumar.B
(A learner)
(185 Points)
Replied 20 January 2009
Get clarity in ur doubt......Cud u plz tell me ur ERP package?....
Nipesh Garg
(88 Points)
Replied 20 January 2009
IT might be due to the reason
1 bank might have debited your acount as per some standing instructions issued by you.
2 you might have debited your book balance for any moey received, Yet the same has not been credited to your bank account by ur bank.
3.any clerical mistake in posting of transactions.
(77 Points)
Replied 20 January 2009
hi, See its depends on ur book posting may some recivebles and payments ur entered in closing date of the month but they are not cleared or u give us about ur ERP Pakage details
(Commerce Coaching- Accounts Cost FM)
(735 Points)
Replied 21 January 2009
i agree with nipesh garg........another reason may be that some cheques may get returned....in such a case u have to see whther that has been passed through the cash book.....if u have any doubt then plz clrify.
Ankush Chhabra
(33 Points)
Replied 06 September 2011
i want a format of bank reconciliation in excel sheet. kindly provide me!