Can anyone tell me that whwther we can reconcile the bank with the help of VLOOKUP function in excel??? If Yes, then how?Please explain........
Jyoti Aggarwal (COMPANY SECRETARY) (336 Points)
08 December 2007Hi,
Can anyone tell me that whwther we can reconcile the bank with the help of VLOOKUP function in excel??? If Yes, then how?Please explain........
Balaji Sarangarajan
(MBA & (CA Final))
(1131 Points)
Replied 08 December 2007
Jyoti Aggarwal
(336 Points)
Replied 08 December 2007
Balaji Sarangarajan
(MBA & (CA Final))
(1131 Points)
Replied 09 December 2007
V P Narasimhan
(Accounts Manager)
(793 Points)
Replied 22 July 2009
The easiest way we use to do in excel is we will download the bank book and sort amount wise lower level to upper level. Then by going thro' the bank statment we will finish it very fastly. U can also try.
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