Budding Professional (B.Com, CA & CS FINAL) (1686 Points)

07 May 2009  

Our Institute is going dictator type for students with its decisions and harsh rules. Many of the decisions taken are justified and appreciable as they would ensure better education of CA Students and development of good future CAs. But the latest decision to ban the transfer of articles has come as a shocking nightmare for students. Although the Institute has allowed transfer in case working parents are transferred or they shift in any other city or the transfer can be taken on some medical grounds. These are things which rarely happen in one’s life. Moreover, the Institute has said that transfer may be allowed in cases considered genuine by the Institute. These would be different for different students- like someone would not have adequate studying facilities in his/her town, some might be having sick relations with their Principal and some might be wiling to take transfer due to some personal reasons. So, which cases will be considered as genuine?

The students who are undergoing training in smaller cities and towns, who have limited scope of work and also they do not have enough coaching facilities around them are left with no option but to continue with the same. It means if they want to excel more, it is just impossible. Although, there is a scheme of secondment, but that is not possible to everybody. A principal can’t afford to let the student work for a few months with him, then second him to another principal, again getting him to work and again getting him off for Industrial Training and GMCS course (during the last 12 months).

Moreover, the Institute announced on 28th April,09 that transfer will be allowed upto 15th April,09. On 1st May,09 everybody was surprised when they came to know that the announcement has been withdrawn. Now following the announcement, a few students might have taken transfer and many must be planning to do the same. Now, those students who following this announcement took transfer and submitted the forms with the Institute, what they will do? Will the Institute recognize their transfer? If no, how will it compensate the students who have taken transfer and after the withdrawal of the announcement, they wish to rejoin their articles under the same Principal, but their Principals are refusing to take them back.

Along with this, ban on transfer have given the principles the freedom and autonomy to be harsh and rude with the students & extract maximum work from them ignoring their working hours of the students and the regulations laid down by the Institute in this regard. They can pressurise the articled trainees to do more work as the trainees have no option but to do it otherwise the Principal can spoil his carrier. They might send report to Institute that the articled trainee is not regular or any other negative point.

The announcement further says that any misconduct on the part of the student will be strictly punished? But if the Principal is violating the norms, what are the provisions?

I think that this regulation to ban the transfer of articles should be withdrawn and if enforced it should be applicable for the students who wish to join the articles w.e.f any future date and the existing trainees should be given 1 or 2 months time to take transfer.

I think CA students should unite and request Institute by sending e-mails to give some relaxation in this regard.

lease write your views, comments on the same.

Neeraj Singh