(143 Points)
Replied 13 October 2011
Important Questions for NOV 2011 Prepared by B.V.N.RAJESWAR
Chap 1
1) a) Explain process of decomposition with proper examples?
b) What is Information ? Explain the characteristics of information?
2)a) Discuss the features and components of TPS?
b) Explain the effect of applying on MIS? List down the misconceptions or myth about MIS?
3)a)What is DSS ?Explain the characteristics & components of DSS ?
b) What are the components of expert system ?
Chap 2
4)a) What is SDLC ? Explain the characteristics in system development methodology?
b)Why organizations fail to achieve system development objectives?
c) Read the below case and answer the following with proper justifications:
An organization is in the stage of systems development to implement an enterprise wide information system, where the following conditions exist:
• End users are not aware of the information needs
• The new system is mission critical and there is a hasty need.
• The business risks associated in implementing the wrong system are high.
Identify the type of system development approach and the steps to be followed in the above stated conditions.
a. Justify the reasons for choosing the particular approach for system development.
b. What are the Strength & Weakness of the approach selected
5)a) Draw a flowchart which sorts the contents in Ascending order ?
b) What is DFD ? Explain with an example ?
c) What are the various types of test plan explain them in detail?
d) show the test data required to test for the following conditions under White box approach?
• A>B----A>C
• B> C
6 )a) What are the factors to be considered while designing Input/output ?
b) What are various fact finding techniques ?
7) a)What are the points to be considered while selecting computer system? What is Benchmarking ?
b) Explain the stages in PDLC ? What are the various type of system maintenance?
8) a)What type of training is to be provided for operators and users ?
b) Explain different conversion strategies with advantages and limitations of each?
Chap 3
9) a) “The existence of audit trial is a key financial audit requirement , without that auditor may not be able to validate the figures in client’s account” , what change’s have occurred in audit trial and audit evidence explain ?
b) What control is required to establish over Data integrity, privacy and security ?
c) A company has migrated from Centralized legacy system to Distributed Client Server system recently , after 6 months a system evaluation was done by the management the evaluation showed exposures or vulnerabilities. As an IS Auditor, identify the control type and the control technique to be implemented to mitigate the risk.
(i) Records or files assigned to a particular user being modified by another user.
(ii) Anybody can enter the server room.
(iii) To change the contents of the web pages published on a company’s server.
(iv) Failure of hard disks in the database storage system due to spikes in the electrical supply and heating.
d) (1.1) Explain the four categories of control (or) Explain the categorization of controls ?
(1.2) what is the importance of audit trail objectives ?
(1.3) What control can be established for control over data Integrity , privacy and security?
(1.4) Explain data processing and storage controls ?
(1.5) What are the various risk associated with Technical Exposures?
(1.6) Describe the audit and evaluation techniques for environmental controls ?
Chap 4
10) a) Explain the methodology adopted by the Auditor in audit testing ?
b) What are the areas auditor need to review while performing Information Controls and audit tests ?
c) What should be the contents of audit findings?
d) A Financial company operates and produces information on a real-time and online basis which requires real-time auditing on the quality of the data and auditor’s assurance testing. Identify the audit tool that tags the online transactions and collects audit evidence in a dummy entity. (ITF)
e) Every organization in today’s environment depends on public networks for their communication , explain the auditor plan to review the review the procedure to do so?
Chap 5
11)a) What are various threats due to cyber crimes ?
b) Explain the risk assessment ? What are the areas to be focused?
c) How is risk ranked , consider in analyzing risk? construct a table for data security?
d) What are various common risk mitigation techniques ?
e) What is i) Threat ii) Risk iii) Exposure iv ) Qualitative techniques?
chap 6
12) a) Explain the methodology of developing a BCP? Discuss BIA, Single point of failure analysis?
b) Discuss the various types of backup for the system and data together? Give the types of back-up media? Give an overview of DR / BR plan?(Disaster / Business resumption)
c) List out the various threat , risk and exposure to computer systems and specify the control measures for the same? What are the kinds of Insurance ?
Chap 7
13) a) Define ERP? Explain the ERP implementation methodology?
b) What are the characteristics & features of ERP?
c) What is BPR ? List down the effective guidelines for implementing ERP?
d) What are key planning implementation decisions of ERP?
e) A company is developing several types of biscuits having its branches all over the country. The owner of the company wishes to centralize and consolidate the information flowing from its branches in a uniform manner across various levels of the organization. The technical advisor of the company recommended that the company should go for the implementation of the ERP package.
* Why do you recommend the company should undertake ERP implementation ?
* If implemented what benefits the company can derive ?
chap 8
14)a) Explain the working definitions of COBIT? Explain the four domains of COBIT?
b) Compare COBIT with other standards?
c)What is the importance of configuration management under ITIL Frame work ?
d) TRS Company is considering to implement The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA). There is a security rule issued under the Act which lays out three types of security safeguards required for compliance. What are those conditions under these safeguards for which the company should look after explain them in detail.
chap 9
15)a) Read the below case and answer the questions given below :
COLD Technologies is a leading company in the BPO sector. Its most of the business processes are automated. The company is relying on Information Technology for information and transaction processing. The growth of E-commerce supported by the growth of the Internet has completely revolutionized and reengineered business processes. The company’s new business models and new methods presume that the information required by the business managers is available all the time; it is accurate, it is reliable and no unauthorized disclosure of the same is made. Further, it is also presumed that the virtual business organization is up and running all the time on 24×7 basis.However, in reality, the technology-enabled and technology-dependent organizations are more vulnerable to security threats than ever before.
(I) Discuss the scope and security objective of the organization.
(ii) There are certain basic ground rules that must be addressed sequentially, prior to knowing the details of ‘how to protect the information systems’. Explain those rules in brief.
(iii) Describe various groups of management, comprised by security policy.
b) What should a Audit policy should do?
c) What kind of working papers and documentation you will prepare audit working and documentation?
d) Explain the Information ownership ?
chap 10
16) IT act imp topics :differences between 2000 and 2008 it act
Objectives and scope of the act, Digital signature ?
Section : 3A/ 6A/7A/10A/18/19/36/43/ 46/57/58/65-78/87
17) Short notes
* Supra system/ Entropy/ stress / RAD model /Agile methodology /Source of packaged softwareDatabase/ Data Dictionary / Data storage/ /Data Integrity controls/ Access list/ Biometric devices /types of physical locks/Multiyear test plans/Residual risk / COCO / Holistic protection/ Electronic Signature certificate /
1 Questions may be either direct or with case type , try to extract the concept and write down
2 Write it in bulleted form , where ever required give illustrations & charts
3 Topics 4,5,6,7,9,10 put together constitute 60-70 ,Chap 8 mostly comes in compulsory questions
4 Topic 2 is reflected once again in chap 3 ,4,8 & 9