Avoid CCI during exams

CA Abhilash Tewari (Fresh CA) (83 Points)

10 May 2011  

Dear Friends

I have been observiong that the members are actively involved on CCI even during the exams. Its good to share your opinion on the paper and also get the feel of the paper all over India but is it worth????

Most of us come from exam with a set of mind that what we have written is more or less correct but whwn we discuss paper in lenght that to on such portals where there are so many people logged in you get different opinions for same question.

I have also seen people claiming thta i am 500% sure thta this is the correct answer if your answer matches then to its great but in case there is difference of opinion your morale for the next paper is low and CA exam is more about how stable you can be during the exam days

So its my humble request to all my friends top please avoid CCI during the exam as it is a distraction.

