A government employee (state or central) has availed monthly pension for 10 years. Is it possilbe to request for a lumpsum payout after 10 years from the pension authority (after deductions that are applicable)?
Sunny (Self) (25 Points)
13 December 2022A government employee (state or central) has availed monthly pension for 10 years. Is it possilbe to request for a lumpsum payout after 10 years from the pension authority (after deductions that are applicable)?
(Finance Professional)
(15982 Points)
Replied 13 December 2022
A government employee may request for a lump sum payment from their pension plan after 10 years of service, but whether or not the request will be granted will depend on the specific rules and regulations of the pension plan. It's best to check with the pension authority or the plan administrator to determine what options are available to you.