authorised representative of a foreign national
manoj kumar (cs) (130 Points)
16 April 2011manoj kumar (cs) (130 Points)
16 April 2011
(Company Secretary )
(596 Points)
Replied 16 April 2011
I m considering the foreign national as an indiviual. So, as per my understanding, if i m nt missing anything then as per sec 176 he is a member of co. and has a right to appoint proxy to attend the meeting.......
Contrary views are welcomed........
manoj kumar
(130 Points)
Replied 16 April 2011
thanx for the quick words.
i agree with you but the proxies are not counted for quorum. How to establish minimum number of member to form a quorum?
CA Sandeep Kumar
(Audit Assistant)
(804 Points)
Replied 16 April 2011
This is an extreme situation.. There is a case law, facts in brief- wherein only shareholders were there, the minority shareholder was not attendin tthe meeting, therefore CG/CLB can give directions that one man can form quorum.
Gates Corpn vs Anand Gates (99) 22scl 76=36 CLA 258 CLB
(Source : VS DAtey)
CA Sandeep Kumar
(Audit Assistant)
(804 Points)
Replied 16 April 2011
Sorry mistak in previous post, CORRECTIONS HIGHLIGHTED
This is an extreme situation.. There is a case law, facts in brief- wherein only 2 shareholders were there, the minority shareholder was DELIBERATELY not attendin tthe meeting, therefore CG/CLB can give directions that one man can form quorum.
Gates Corpn vs Anand Gates (99) 22scl 76=36 CLA 258 CLB
(Source : VS DAte
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