Authorised capital required for using for key words

prakash (Company Secretary) (1352 Points)

26 April 2012  

Is there any new circular for using key words required specified  Authorised capital,

Generally I follow below slabs

1.Corporation    5 crores

2.International, globe, global, universal, Universe, Continental, Inter-Continental, Asiatic, Asia, Asian, World being the first word of the name  1Crore.

3. If any of key words as above is used within the name 50 lakhs

4. Hindustan, Hindustani, Hindustanee, India, Indian, Bharat, Bhararati, Bharatiya, Bharateeya, being the first word of the Name. 50 Lakhs.

5. If any of hte key words as mentioned above is used within the name 5 Lakhs.

6. industries, Udyog, Industrial, Industry 1Crore

7. Enterprises, Enterprise, Products, Product, Business, Manufacturing, Manufacture. 10Lakh

if there is any new circular, please mail me same to company.secretary @