"An asset including a leased asset becomes non performing when it ceases to generate income for bank." Define the criteria for classification of NPA.
What we have to wryt in ds qstn???
please guide..!
roopak girotra
Kunal (Risk Analyst) (299 Points)
01 July 2011"An asset including a leased asset becomes non performing when it ceases to generate income for bank." Define the criteria for classification of NPA.
What we have to wryt in ds qstn???
please guide..!
roopak girotra
ashish gupta
( student)
(1922 Points)
Replied 01 July 2011
this put a smile on my face :)
i dont know the correct answer, but m telling what i wrote in my exam. i think the NPA classification norms are to be given specifying the days and or time for each class of asset like Bills, Term loan, agriculture loan etc.