There is no such cross checking of current assets, non current assets and current liablities non current ever it may depend on fact and crcumstances that if they are not properly clasified the current and non current you should suggest for reclassification.
For audit of Balance Sheet and Trial you just have to go through all item there of one by in Fixed Assets check depreciation workings, if there are any additions then check for proper invoices and proper capitalisation of interst on loan on fixed assets if any.
similarly check other things like get confirmation for debtors and creditors, check ledgers randomly of there seems to be improper transactions..if theer are long outstanding blances...
for loans and bank accounts get Balance cerficate and interest certificate also for OD CC if any.
check sanction letter letter fr loans...
simmilarly chek all other items of balance sheet/trial to check there authenticity.......