Attitude matters a lot in every phase of life

Jay kumar (Chartered Accountant) (48 Points)

25 January 2012  

Dear friends,

What i have learnt from my articleship training & GMCS is that your every decision in your life depends wholly upon your attitude.

With your attitude you can make the impossible things possible nomatter whatever may be the circumstances.You all might have heard about the great legend "STEVE JOBS" (i guess u had).Do you know about the real life of this person.I was reading his autobiography and was so much pleased with it that i thought of sharing it with you.As many of you will soon be appearing for the CA final examination ,i hope it will help to boost up your confidence:

Here is the short summary  about this great person:


Early Life

Steve Jobs was born February 24, 1955.As an infant, Steven was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs and named Steven Paul Jobs.As a boy, Jobs and his father would work on electronics in the family garage. Paul would show his son how to take apart and reconstruct electronics, a hobby which instilled confidence, tenacity, and mechanical prowess in young Jobs.

While Jobs has always been an intelligent and innovative thinker, his youth was riddled with frustrations over formal schooling.Jobs tested so well, however, that administrators wanted to skip him ahead to high school—a proposal his parents declined.After he did enroll in high school, Jobs spent his free time at Hewlett-Packard. It was there that he befriended computer club guru Steve Wozniak. Wozniak was a brilliant computer engineer, and the two developed great respect for one another.


Apple Computers

In 1976, when Jobs was just 21, he and Wozniak started Apple Computers. The duo started in the Jobs family garage, and funded their entrepreneurial venture after Jobs sold his Volkswagen bus and Wozniak sold his beloved scientific calculator.Jobs and Wozniak are credited with revolutionizing the computer industry by democratizing the technology and making the machines smaller, cheaper, intuitive, and accessible to everyday consumers. The two conceived a series of user-friendly personal computers that they initially marketed for $666.66 each. Their first model, the Apple I, earned them $774,000. Three years after the release of their second model, the Apple II, sales increased 700 percent to $139 million dollars. In 1980, Apple Computer became a publically traded company with a market value of $1.2 billion on the very first day of trading.


Departure from Apple

However, the next several products from Apple suffered significant design flaws resulting in recalls and consumer disappointment. IBM suddenly surpassed Apple sales.Scully believed Jobs was hurting Apple, and executives began to phase him out.

In 1985, Jobs resigned as Apple's CEO to begin a new hardware and software company called NeXT, Inc.The following year Jobs purchased an animation company from George Lucas, which later became Pixar Animation Studios. Believing in Pixar's potential,Jobs initially invested $50 million of his own money into the company. Pixar Studios went on to produce wildly popular animation films such as Toy StoryFinding Nemo and The Incredibles. Pixar's films have netted $4 billion.


Reinventing Apple

Apple eventually bought the company in 1997 for $429 million. That same year, Jobs returned to his post as Apple's CEO.Much like Steve Jobs instigated Apple's success in the 1970s, he is credited with revitalizing the company in the 1990s. With a new management team, altered stock options, and a self-imposed annual salary of $1 a year, Jobs put Apple back on track

In 2003, Jobs discovered he had a neuroendocrine tumor, a rare but operable form of pancreatic cancer. For nine months Jobs postponed surgery, making Apple's board of directors nervous. Executives feared that shareholders would pull their stocks if word got out that their CEO was ill. But in the end, Job's confidentiality took precedence over shareholder disclosure

Apple introduced such revolutionary products as the Macbook Air, iPod, and iPhone, all of which have dictated the evolution of modern technology.. In 2007, Stocks were worth a record-breaking $199.99 a share, and the company boasted a staggering $1.58 billion dollar profit, an $18 billion dollar surplus in the bank, and zero debt.Apple has been rated No. 1 in America's Most Admired Companies


On October 5, 2011, Apple Inc. announced that co-founder Steve Jobs had died. He was 56 years old at the time of his death.


Hope you find it useful!!!!!!!!!!


CA Jay Rampuria