Attention students !!!

Page no : 2

Originally posted by : RAVI KHANAL

i agree to siddharth surte

and dear kishore u can see the difference between you and siddhartha

he just wrote his view on it and u called him stupid and weak ....

i am here for last 3 years

and in practical life i have also seen a lot of students like you and siddhartha 

i can say one thing 

people like siddhartha succeed in the end.....


i do not think that you are the only one in india who is suffering 

even i have suffered in this but this is called experiance

please generate some tolerance level within you otherwise it will surely give u pain in later ages

Good Luck



Yes you are right, but the pity is people like you and siddartha are not understanding the meaning of this forum. The object of posting is cleat. I have written that I wish to help CA Students in legal actions if they so desire and you and some others are posting irrelevant replies like whether I am right or wrong. I dont wish to know even if my idea is stupid. The object is not at all to discuss anything in this forum. The best reply to this forum is not to reply and just read.

Deepak kumar sahoo (Student) (87 Points)
Replied 29 January 2011

Dear Friends

I have forwarded the following messages to the PUCL which is working for the conservation of Fundamental rights and Mr. Binayak sen is one of the member and Chatisgarh Office bearer and president you can see the web at


The People’s Union for Civil Liberties(PUCL)


Sub- Request for the changes in the Articleship (Training for CA students) provision due to conflict with the Fundamental rights and also detrimental to the objective of professional excellence.  


Dear Sir

I am a student of ICAI (CA Final). After completion of CA Inter we have to undergo for a period of 3 years to 3.5 Years Articleship and after completion of 2 years of Articleship Training we can attend the CA Final  exam ( For CA old students) and for new students similar provisions exits.

The very purpose of the training is to make us professionally competent. But there are many auditors who are not doing the audit properly. They may instruct us not to check something or do the audit only for name shake, some of them are not guiding properly( You have come across the 2G Spectrum and Satyam issue). Due to these some of us are not getting enough exposure and wanted to take terminations. Some of them are not behaving well and we are like the bonded Laborers in their hands as The Institute ( ICAI ) has made the articleship as non-transferable. We can take the termination on medical ground (followed by loss of 6 months as the next attempt we can give the exam) and parent’s transfer case. Some of them are using the students for the house hold works and in the other businesses carried on by them. If you have any doubt you can make a survey or a string operation. The Article Assistants are also ill paid Rs 1500/- to 5,000/-. A few cases of s*xual harassments and mis-behaves are also coming to our knowledge.

The institute has made this provision inapplicable for the first 1 year i.e. they can transfer the articleship in the first year is permissible. But we want it to be applicable for the whole articleship period. Though in the first year the transfer is permissible, the principal can very well motivate or put pressure on the assistant.

We can take Industrial Training in the last 1 year of articleship but the CAs are not allowing the students in most of the cases. The Institute has made a provision to apply to regional council against these kind of cases but no student can dare to speak against the principal as they are having the fear of smashing their carrier by the institute and the principal will write what ever he want and the Institute will punish them.

This is against the Constitutional rights provided to the Citizens in our country. More students are taking dummy articleship due to this hardship (taking fake certificate of training which is not good for the Institute and the students nor also for the profession). This is against the human rights. There may be other provisions applicable against these kind of notification issued by the ICAI(which is coming under state as per article 13(2) of the constitution).

This is for your information and necessary action. Kindly make a analysis of the above facts through the Legal Committee of PUCl. I am attaching the Notifications concerned on this behalf. The suppression of the students can be known by a visit to the CA Club an Interactive platform for CA students and Professionals Web-


Your faithfully

Deepak Kumar Sahoo.

Chennai (native- Orissa)


I request all of you to contribute with your experince of exploitation and the rules, laws and provisions overriding or taking an opposit view to the provision for articleship(Fixed Principal). I will utilise your suggestions to form a requestletter to be givin to the Institute and the president and prime minister of india and take help of other organisations for this.


Kindly give suggestions and answer to the questions

1. whether this provisions are strengthing or wickening the profession and give the causes why you think so.( No need to disclose member's name)

2. What best should be done to develop the profession and retain the losing glory of the accountion profession in India.

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Sushant Lohani (CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT) (1051 Points)
Replied 29 January 2011

Old stuff has started once again.Where were all of you when this announcement came in March 27,2009?

We entered articleship during 2007/2008 where it was difficult to bag proper articleship due to higher preference being given to PE2 students. But the situation now is more favourable for students (barring ban on transfer) because

a)Cheaper e-tuitions


c)Practise manuals.

d)No of articles entering the profession is less as now,as opposed to then, come in after ipcc/pe2.So, u have better bargaining power.

e)Articleship placement by icai

I agree Ravibhai's sayings.Lemme ask u some questions:

a)Has icai decreased articleship period of pcc students? The proposal is still stuck in sansad(doesn't matter;i am in final 8 months)

b)Stipend was about to be doubled.The same proposal is stuck in sansad.

So,rather than grumbling,try to get on with it.Try to get transfer in the first year of articleship in permissible way. After first year ends,u will be stuck there.Have proper planning and all the best.

(I appreciate legal helps being provided to CA students)

And,if u need points to support ur new cause, u can search for such threads posted after march 27 2009.It will help you.

You can call India TV if u want maximum coverage.

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Sushant Lohani (CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT) (1051 Points)
Replied 30 January 2011

Thank god,i have not been abused!:)

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Deepak kumar sahoo (Student) (87 Points)
Replied 01 February 2011

Dear friends

I have been to the Institute to submit the 109 form, but even they are not receiving it and asking me for fake doctor certificate and NOC from principal there fore I have decided to fight strongly

The NOC is givin here by for your reference-



The Institute of Chartered accountants of India

Sub- No Objection Certificate

No Objection Certificate

I Mr. CA.---------------- the partner of ------------------hereby declares that I have signed the attached documents Form 109 in my full knowledge and believe. I am not being affected by any misrepresentation, coercion or any other influence to give the same  from any-body to sign the attached documents.

I am also giving my consent and no-objection for the termination of Mr. Deepak Kumar Sahoo. ERO-------------- from my firm w.ef. -------------- as per the mutual consent on account of his family issues and frequent health problems arising due to difference in food cultures. The Institute is hereby requested to proceed for the same and grant him the termination.



C.A R. C. Krishnen




Membership No.

Firm No.


Place- Chennai

However I will visit tomorrow and force them to receive it or give the reason in written for non receipt. These people are thinking as if they are govt. servants and non-questionable. Even they have strong idea that the Institute will not change the provision and Institute is not questionable. But I will continue to fight even I am loosing the fight. We will apply one after another weapon-

The truth will win finally

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Originally posted by : Deepak kumar sahoo

Dear friends

I have been to the Institute to submit the 109 form, but even they are not receiving it and asking me for fake doctor certificate and NOC from principal there fore I have decided to fight strongly

The NOC is givin here by for your reference-



The Institute of Chartered accountants of India

Sub- No Objection Certificate

No Objection Certificate

I Mr. CA.---------------- the partner of ------------------hereby declares that I have signed the attached documents Form 109 in my full knowledge and believe. I am not being affected by any misrepresentation, coercion or any other influence to give the same  from any-body to sign the attached documents.

I am also giving my consent and no-objection for the termination of Mr. Deepak Kumar Sahoo. ERO-------------- from my firm w.ef. -------------- as per the mutual consent on account of his family issues and frequent health problems arising due to difference in food cultures. The Institute is hereby requested to proceed for the same and grant him the termination.



C.A R. C. Krishnen




Membership No.

Firm No.


Place- Chennai

However I will visit tomorrow and force them to receive it or give the reason in written for non receipt. These people are thinking as if they are govt. servants and non-questionable. Even they have strong idea that the Institute will not change the provision and Institute is not questionable. But I will continue to fight even I am loosing the fight. We will apply one after another weapon-

The truth will win finally


Ya, this is the right spirit. Keep it up. India and ICAI needs people who can dare to speak against injustice. Well, I think they should not refuse the termination if it is on medical grounds and valid reasons.

Nakul Raibahadur (Article Student) (58 Points)
Replied 30 March 2011

It is ragging,   one suffered it and want to take revenge,

other way round,

quite a lot of firms are family run firms,

the new young partners are relatives of older partners and did dummy articles under them, and they tell us,   " Study,  how will u pass then ? "

after spending 10 hours at office ,   are we mentally alive to study.


Rememeber,  it is Institute of chartered accountants of India, and not Institiute of students of chartered accountancy.

for everyone else, who are still trying for termination, like i did,   nothing works out.

one of my hostel mate was more or less personal assitant to his principal, picking up his guests from the station and airport.      but inspite of appeals to institute, he was never granted termination.


so,  just one way out,

accept people and situations as they are,

everyone promised life, read articleship, would be worth it,  no one promised,  it would be easy.


we all will be placed,   there are tremendous employment opportunites world wide-

if one is fit for employment,  he is employed.

employable unemployed does not exist

articleship is just part of traing for the tougher life ahead.


take a chill pill



ACA Chandra Sekhar (CA, CMA & B.Com) (326 Points)
Replied 30 March 2011

This will be my first bookmark in this site,thank u very much.Please do not delete this forum.

Replied 30 March 2011

Good information to all the students

CA MAYANK (CA) (1219 Points)
Replied 30 March 2011

very good yar

Replied 25 May 2011


Deepak kumar sahoo (Student) (87 Points)
Replied 06 June 2011

Dear all When i have returned to my native I faced a big challenge from the Local police and Anti-socials I am attaching here by the copy the order copy of Human rights. I am also trying to put the case in CBI and Vigilance. Pls suggest me If you have any good Idea to help me to fight againest Corruption and Injustice in Society.(I have been jailed for 17 days in the same matter)

Attached File : 188631 732735 humanright ortder copy 02 05 11.pdf downloaded: 191 times

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 08 June 2011

Good initiative taken by Kishore..............and ;


those cheap and downmarket person who act in a position with a highly and reputed professional degree like "CA" misuse their power & position should be punish with imprisonment and who indulge in activities like s*xually harras others should be hang till death.

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Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 08 June 2011

Admin and moderators are requested not to delete this forum at all.

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 08 June 2011

Bookmark the post in  Community so that this forum will not get lost



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