Originally posted by : Manikandan |
I am going to appear for both modules in December 2012 in CS Executive.
I didn't started studying. But i am going oral coching class for Module 1.
I was confident in attending both modules. Yesterday only i purchased OTM for Module 2.
Is this time is sufficient? I want to finish all the studies before Dec 1st 2012.
So that i will revise in balance 25 days.
Please suggest this 93 days is enough for attempting both modules Dec 2012?
Thanks is Advance. |
Dear Manikandan -
I have attempted both modules in June 2012, unfortunately lost in both. I have made a few minor mistakes, which i can suggest you not to do the same.
1. Read the Institute material atleast once.
2. Prepare the notes for youself - believe me at the exam time i really stuggled to juggle my books and eventually got confused which one to refer. So, choose your material and stick to it and dont change books. And prepare notes in a simple format for revision.
3. Buy scanners now itself, my big mistake havent referred the scanners well. Later I found that scanners do a great deal in cracking the exam, the one i read from scanners scored me well.
4. Purchase Guideline answers from the insitute for atleast past 3 years (i.e. 6 books) and understand the pattern of writing the answer. This was also a major flaw in my writing - i knew 100% of paper but eventually landed in 40s, the reason being not writing to the point and writing whatever you know. The examiner will take reference of these guideline answers.
5. Fix a steady time-table, you will get tensed in the last month of exam - but be cool and dont loose track of your time-table. In May I panicked and couldnt revise properly, being cool is the best way to avoid any hussle.
6. Lastly, I had 60 days in my hands when I studied. Understand how fast you can study and then decide whether both or one. Its better to write both - sometimes most scoring or your strength subject can cover your weak subject marks.