AS 20 EPS Calculation

Srinath (Chartered Accountant) (166 Points)

07 April 2011  


Please Help me with a few Problems

Thnx in advnce!


1. Equity Shares on 1.1.2001 : 5 lac


Avg. fair value/share during 2001: 20


ESOP options given on 1.1.2001 : 1 lac shares @ 15/share


Net Profit 12 lac (No tax)   


Find Diluted EPS ?


Answer Given : 1200000/525000 ?? Is this correct?


2. Calculate Basic EPS


Profit 50 lakh ( No tax)


10% Preference Shares  100 lakh


Shares at beginning 10 lakh


Bonus issued at "middle" of year : 5 lakh


Given Answer : 2.6666 how?? Correct?