As per AS 18, is disclosure required to be made in case of issue of shares to director?
Also, is a disclosure required in case of conversion of unsecured loan into share capital which was received from director by the company?
PREETI S ANAND (Student CA Final ) (24 Points)
31 May 2013As per AS 18, is disclosure required to be made in case of issue of shares to director?
Also, is a disclosure required in case of conversion of unsecured loan into share capital which was received from director by the company?
Mohammad Asif
(chartered accountant)
(191 Points)
Replied 31 May 2013
Disclosure is required to be given when director is a key management personnel. i.e CEO,CFO etc. or he is the MD.
Mohammad Asif
(chartered accountant)
(191 Points)
Replied 31 May 2013
Disclosure is required to be given when director is a key management personnel. i.e CEO,CFO etc. or he is the MD.