Articleship period waive off

Rajesh.HT (Finance Executive) (58 Points)

14 August 2012  


i am served as Paid assistant for 4 years in one firm. But now i am working as articled assistant. My question is ,am i Eligible to get waive off for one year or three year as ICAI gave notification as  as follows.

Eligibility of a Paid Assistant Working with a Firm of Chartered Accountants for the Purpose of Engagement of Articled Assistants. - (13-08-2012)


Eligibility of a paid assistant working with a firm of chartered accountants for the purpose of engagement of articled assistants - Amendment to the Regulation 43 of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988

This is to inform all concerned that with the issuance of the Notification No.1-CA (7)/145/2012 on August 1, 2012, the period of employment of a paid assistant with the same firm of Chartered Accountants for the purpose of engagement of articled assistants has been increased from twelve months to three years with effect from August 1, 2012.

The said notification is available on the Institute’s website at the link for information of all concerned.

Secretary, ICAI

August 9, 2012

Kindly answer.

I appriciate you if reply ASAP.

Bes regards
