In your eg: if an employee take 3 month leave from company then it is counted as 90 days not actual working day suppose 70......... other wise employye can claim for 20 days salary without any work and presence in ofiice.
In this case we have to check whether it is earned leave or not if it is earned leave then employee will get paid for the entire perion of 70 days
Your not getting my point. Am not talking about salary. besides Companies dont pay you for sundays and public holidays its a monthly package what employees earn. most companies compute salary on 26 days ... and if you take leave for an entire month its considered as 26 days. (As per law in india it says 26 days never 30 days with regard to salary).
Now with regard to: SUPPOSE,
if a articles take 3 month leave then it will be conted as 90 days not as 75 days......
Similarly when an article takes 3 months leave as per the annexure on the training guide it says
Total leave taken (other than weekly holidays) so we should exclude weekly holidays from the computation.
So what your saying is that if i give 4 leave applications Monday to Saturday for the whole month, then leave will be considered as 26 days?