Articleship is the ultimate thing?

nikhil (Article cleark) (39 Points)

12 September 2011  

HI Friends,

I would like to ask question that is articleship really reuqired? are we really getting the required knowledge from it?

Think about a real thing which i come across...

One of student I know is doing a dummy articles but he is not ideal. he is working elsewhere in the time gap between the Exams. In between CPT & PCC he worked in CA firm as employee. In between PCC and FINAL he is worked in  Bank for 6 months and now he has joined MNC his attempt is in May 12 he will quit from December. pls share your views on the case. Should ICAI take action for not doing arrticleship or he have served the main purpose of knowledge so let him go? Why should not others also opt for such thing ?