I could not completed my articleship proper how i gain the practical knowledge and receive a salary also(7000 to 10000 p.m )
mohd hafeez (CA FINAL STUDENT) (88 Points)
06 January 2016I could not completed my articleship proper how i gain the practical knowledge and receive a salary also(7000 to 10000 p.m )
Sathish M
(Management Accountant)
(40581 Points)
Replied 06 January 2016
You need to be much elaborate and tell what do you mean by saying that you could not complete your Articleship properly. Give facts of your case, so that one will be able to give you appropriate solution / suggestion / advices.
mohd hafeez
(88 Points)
Replied 06 January 2016
I completed my articleship but i have little practical knoledge which is not enough for doing the job, whether i should join a reputed ca firm again to join to improve practicle base
Zoya Khan
(800 Points)
Replied 07 January 2016
You yourself have given the answer. Yes you need to join a CA firm ASAP to gain some practical knowledge. Dont worry about the money at first.
(Chartered Accountant)
(42 Points)
Replied 07 January 2016
First of all dont hink of money, it can be earned later in life. First go to a reputaed firm and gain some training which will bosst your confidence and knowledge which will help you rest of your life. Dont give a second thought on it