
Abhinav (16 Points)

10 May 2007  
i jus cleared my PE1 in may (first attempt, to make it sound more boastful ;) )...however, with the recent changes that've come into the syllabus, CPT, PCE, and co., i have decided, after much thinking, to switch to the new course, and start with my articleship as soon as registration opens.
  i guess many of u now, know what the details of the new syllabus can anyone pls comment whether i am making the right choice or not?? becoz all my friends are sticking to PE2...and a few of them giving the papers groupwise...jus to cope up with graduation. so, all comments invited, what du u all think abt the transition arrangements? shud i go in for articleship?
  secondly, cud people pls advise me on how to go abt articleship pls? (if u recommend my shifting that is..) i am living in south pls help me out with the firms, i am clueless here...many say u need approach in the big 1's, and i dnt know anybody, so HELP me!!! tx a lot,