
Anne (58 Points)

10 May 2007  
The firm which I just mentioned in the previous email is a small firm but everyting is computerised. There is no manual process. Also the Principal has told me that I will get to learn everything. Should I join it?

Should I tell him before joining that I will be wanting leave for C.A. Final & not to mention it to the institute as leave  & I will compensate for the leave taken by working later on.

In small firms it is said that we will have to do everything on our own. Will they guide me regarding what to do? Also when they send for audits to different places will other articled clerks or the head accompany me.

Also he did not mention anything regarding stipend. Should I ask him & if he says it will be as per the ICAI should I try to convince him to give me a higher stipend.

Also I don't have anything regarding things like VAT  & I may not be remembering things that I learnt in PE II as I had not learnt it seriously. Will this in any way affect my performance as an articled clerk