- If company have already given loan to directors under previous companies act than what they have to do in new act.
Article on loan to director under company act, 2013
CS Divesh Goyal (Practicing Compnay Secretary) (50640 Points)
28 April 2014CS Divesh Goyal (Practicing Compnay Secretary) (50640 Points)
28 April 2014
anonymous II
(60 Points)
Replied 13 May 2014
Respected Sir,
Sub: inter corporate loan by NBFC
AN NBFC takes inter corporate loan from a private limited/limited concern say company no. 1 @ 12% p.a. and gives it to another private limited/limited say company no. 2 @ 15.30 p.a. Suppose company no. 2 is associate/subsidiary/holding company of No. 1 company or any director of company No.1 is interested in company no. 2 or vice versa. Now query no. 1. is there any violation of rules according to companies act 2013 in giving loan to company no 2 by NBFC by taking loan from company no. 1 ? Now query no. 2 is there any violation of rules according to companies act 2013 if NBFC takes guarantee also from company No. 1 for giving loan to company no. 2?
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