12. Computation of total income.
13. Classification of sources of income.
14. Computation of income from ordinary sources.
15 Computation of income from special sources.
16. Apportionment of income between spouses governed by Portuguese Civil Code.
17. Avoidance of double taxation.
18. Expenditure not to be allowed as deduction.
19. Amount not deductible where tax is not deducted at source.
A.—Income from employment
20. Income from employment.
21. Computation of income from employment.
22. Scope of gross salary.
23. Deductions from gross salary.
B.—Income from house property
24. Income from house property.
25. Computation of income from house property.
26. Scope of gross rent.
27. Deductions from gross rent.
28. Provision for advance rent received.
29. Provision for arrears of rent received.
C.—Income from business
30. Income from business.
31. Business when treated distinct and separate.
32. Computation of income from business.
33. Gross earnings.
34. Determination of business expenditure.
35. Determination of operating expenditure.
36. Determination of finance charges.
37. Determination of capital allowances.
38. Determination of depreciation.
39. Determination of initial depreciation.
40. Determination of terminal allowance.
41. Deduction for scientific research and development allowance.
42. Computation of profit on transfer of a business capital asset.
43. Special provisions relating to business reorganisation.
44. Meaning of actual cost.
45. Meaning of written down value and adjusted value of assets.
D.—Capital gains
46. Capital gains.
47. Income from certain transfers not to be treated as capital gains.
48. Financial year of taxability.
49. Computation of income from transfer of any investment asset.
50. Full value of consideration.
51. Deduction for cost of acquisition.
52. Indexed cost of acquisition or improvement.
53. Cost of acquisition of an investment asset.
54. Cost of improvement of an investment asset.
55. Relief for rollover of investment asset.