Are we independent?


Are we independent?

After 61 years, do you really feel independent?


It is once again that day of the year when we, Indians, feel utmost pride in ourselves as a nation. Spirits are high, emotions on the brink of overflowing. Yes, it is yet another Independence Day. Independence? From whom, may I ask? The British Rule or a bunch of like-minded politicians. Let me ask all indians. Are we really independent? Are our celebrations justified?

Why is it that we need a special day to show our loyalty or affection towards our nation? Why do we give importance to this one day? Are we indians for only one day of the year? I know many people may have asked you these questions many a times, but have you ever been able to give out any answers? I am sure, you were not. Our independence day is indeed a very important part of our history. But why do we forget that a lot goes behind our achievement of independence. People tend to remember just the big names of the indian freedom struggle. But, what about the thousands who lost their lives following them. No one lays a wreath on the tomb stones of these deprived souls. The government spends a large chunk of taxpayers money on independence day celebrations. Can't this amount be utilised for improving the living conditions of the poor? Is it really necessary to have such elaborate celebrations?

After 61 years, are we really independent? I do not think so. We still do not have complete freedom. Laws are made by our elected representatives and thrown upon on us. And we call ourselves the largest democracy in the world. Most of our fundamental rights are denied to us. And we are expected to co-operate. India is said to be a secular state. But our secularism goes for a ride whenever there is communal tension in any part of our country. I do not say that all indians are alike, but a handful of trouble-makers are enough to change the perception of a large majority of sensible minds. We can't even think independently! An indian should feel proud throughout the year. Just one day in a year is not enough.

Here's an appeal to all indians. Please give a thought to the sacrifice of our countrymen, without which we would not have been able to celebrate our independence. Try to do whatever you can for the thousands of people who don't even know the meaning of independence and have to make ends meet for their basic existence. Think independently. Many others may have conflicting views. But I am sure there are many who would share my opinion. As for me, I am not content with my independence but will strive for it and at the same time feel proud of being an indian throughout the year. I am sure that one day we will be able to call ourselves independent by all means. Till then, let's just keep on trying and contribute in whatever ways we can. Remember! Together we can.



by basam parkar