Can anyone please explain me about the complete procedure to be followed while removing goods from the factory under ARE1, for the purpose of exports? matter a little urgent.
R.Sankaranarayanan (Indirect Tax Executive) (163 Points)
01 December 2010Can anyone please explain me about the complete procedure to be followed while removing goods from the factory under ARE1, for the purpose of exports? matter a little urgent.
CS Vijay Daxini
(At Practice)
(732 Points)
Replied 01 December 2010
i dont think this is amended till date
(43853 Points)
Replied 02 December 2010
Procedure for Export |
Exports are an important means of earning foreign exchange, therefore they require a considerable importance. The Central Excise Rules, 1944 offer several benefits of substantive nature as well as procedural nature for the export of goods outside
Benefits available in respect of goods exported out of
The benefit in respect of duties on inputs used in the manufacture of goods meant to be exported as well as in respect of duty on the finished goods exported is envisaged under the Central Excise law. These benefits are available either
The scheme under which the benefits are made available, is incorporated in Rule 12 and Rule 13 of the Central Excise Rules, 1944. The benefit in respect of duties on inputs used in the manufacture of goods exported, is available if the exporter does not claim drawback under the Central Excise Duties Drawback Rules, 1995. The rebate of duty in respect of inputs is also not available if the credit of duty paid on inputs has been availed of.
Export under claim for rebate.
Under Rule 12 of the Central Excise Rules, 1944, rebate of duty paid on the exported goods or the duty paid on materials used in the exported goods, notified for the purpose, is granted to the exporter subject to the conditions laid down in the notifications. The various notifications issued under Rule 12 are as given below
S.No. |
Notification NO. & Date |
Subject |
1. |
41/94-CE(NT) dated 22.9.94 |
Notified excisable goods for grant of rebate |
2. |
42/94-CE(NT) dated 22.9.94 |
Notified material used in the manufacture of exported goods for grant of rebate. |
3. |
43/94-CE(NT) dated 22.9.94 |
Grant of rebate on castor oil and groundnut oil exported without observing AR-4 procedure. |
4. |
44/94-CE(NT) dated 22.9.94 |
Rebate of duty on excisable goods exported as ship’s store |
5. |
46/94-CE(NT) dated 22.9.94 |
Rebate of excise duty paid on mineral oil products exported as stores to Aircraft on a foreign run. |
The assesses desirous of exporting goods under claim for rebate can clear excisable goods for export or materials for use in the manufacture of excisable goods to be exported on payment of duty either through PLA or through RG-23A pt.-II or RG-23C pt.-II and may subsequently claim the rebate of duty paid, from the jurisdictional Assistant Commissioner or the Maritime Commissioner, as the case may be, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 189 of the Central Excise Rules, 1944.
Export of goods under bond without payment of duty.
Under Rule 13, the following operations with regard to export are permissible: -
The Central Govt. has notified the excisable goods and materials to be used in the manufacture of excisable goods to be exported, as per the notifications listed below: -
The assessee’s desirous exporting excisable goods under bond are required to execute B-1(General Security/Surety) or B-16 (General Security/Surety) bond under Rule–14 either with the jurisdictional Assistant Commissioner or with the Maritime Commissioner and maintain a running bond account with the Range Superintendent.
The goods will be allowed to be cleared for export under bond without payment of duty by debiting the amount of duty in the running bond account. The credit in respect of duty debited is made available on furnishing the proof of export of the goods.
The assessee’s desirous of obtaining materials for manufacture of export products or in terms of advance licence under notification no.49/94-CE (NT) dated 22.9.94 as amended, are required to follow the Chapter X procedure.
Procedure for export.
The assessee has the option to clear the export goods with or without sealing of the consignment at the place of removal. In case he opts for factory sealing, the goods would be examined by the Central Excise officers at the factory. Otherwise, the goods would be examined by the Customs officer at the port of exportation.
Examination and sealing of goods at the place of removal.
Despatch of goods without examination under Rule 187 A.
Procedure in respect of goods not exported directly under Rule 187 or 187A.
Where the goods are not exported directly from the factory of the manufacturer, the triplicate and quadruplicate copies of the AR-4 are sent by the proper officer to the Superintendent having jurisdiction over the factory of the manufacturer, who after verification, would forward the triplicate copy to the Maritime Commissioner either by post or by handing over to the exporter in a tamper proof sealed cover, or the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise having jurisdiction over the factory, as the case may be. The quadruplicate copy is sent to the Chief Accounts Officer by the Superintendent.
Export procedure for exempted units.
Information to be given on AR-4.
The exporter is required to give the following information on the AR-4 form
Export by merchant exporters.
Special procedure to export to
Export to
Notification no. 47/94-CE(NT) dated 22.9.94 – payment of rebate to His Majesty’s Government of
Goods for export to
The Nepal Invoice is to be presented along with the goods to be exported before the Central Excise officer.
The Central excise officer shall verify the goods and seal the packages with the Central Excise seal. After making necessary endorsement on the
On arrival at the Land Customs Station, exported goods are to be presented to the Customs officer along with the original copy of the
The Nepalese Customs officer will return the duplicate copy of the invoice after endorsement regarding verification and allowing import into Nepal, to the Customs officer incharge at Indian Land Customs Station who is to forward the same to the Deputy Director of Inspection, Customs and Central Excise, Nepal Wing, for grant of rebate to His Majesty’s Government of Nepal.
Notification no. 51/94-CE (NT) dated 22.9.94 as amended – procedure for export to
Export under bond without payment of duty to
The exporter is required to execute a bond under Rule 13 before the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise having jurisdiction over the factory of the manufacturer or any other place from where the goods are to be exported and is required to furnish a certificate in Appendix 1 to the said notification from the Reserve Bank of India or any other bank duly authorised to deal in foreign exchange showing that full payment has been received.
On receipt of the said certificate and on completion of the conditions of the bond, the exporter shall be discharged of his liabilities under the bond. Capital goods are permitted to be exported to Nepal against any global tender invited by His Majesty’s Government of Nepal and the payment for which is received in the Indian currency, without payment of duty, subject to the condition that the exporter executes a bond and furnishes a certificate duly signed by the concerned Bank of India that full payment has been received in Indian currency by the said bank.
On receipt of such certificate and on completion of the conditions of the bond, the exporter is discharged of his liabilities under the bond.
The exporter is required to follow the procedure as provided in Appendix 2 to the said notification. The procedure is explained below
The exporter is required to make 6 copies of the invoice as prescribed in Annexure-A to the notification and make the following declaration on the same:
" I/We declare that the goods entered herein are intended for export to Nepal/Bhutan in bond, and shall not be diverted or delivered en route to any other country".
The exporter shall present all the 6 copies of the invoice duly filled in along with the goods before the proper officer of Central Excise. The proper officer after verification of the goods and sealing them would make an endorsement on all the copies of the invoices.
The original copy of the invoice is given to the exporter. Duplicate, triplicate and quadruplicate copies under sealed cover are given to the exporter for delivering the same to the Customs officer incharge of the Land Customs Station through which the goods are to be exported. The quadruplicate copy is forwarded to the Central Excise officer who has accepted the bond and quintuplicate copy is retained by the proper officer.
On arrival at the Land Customs Station, the goods are presented before the Customs officer incharge along with original copy of the invoice and the sealed cover containing copies of invoices.
The Customs officer, after verification of the goods with the invoices would make the endorsement on the invoice and hand over the original copy to the exporter. The duplicate and triplicate copies are sent directly to the Nepalese or Bhutanese, as the case may be, Custom officer
The Customs officer incharge of Land Customs Station at
The same is eventually forwarded to the Central Excise officer incharge of the factory or warehouse from where the goods were removed for export.
Proper marking of packages meant for export.
Rule 185 provides for legible marking of export packages in ink or oil colour with a progressive number commencing with the for each calendar year and with the exporter’s name and special mark, if any.
Assessee seeking exemption from the provisions of Rule 185 are required to apply to the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise having jurisdiction over the factory.
Checklist for export of goods under bond ( except to
Please check whether
i) whether prior intimation of the intended export in the form AR-4 (in sixtuplicate) properly filled, has been submitted to the jurisdictional range Superintendent well in time i.e. at least 24 hrs. in advance;
ii) whether the goods to be exported have been inspected by the Central Excise officer and the packages containing such goods are properly sealed with the Central Excise seal;
iii) whether the packages in which the goods are to be exported are legibly marked in ink or oil colour or in such other durable manner with the progressive number commencing with number 1 for each calendar year and with the exporter’s name and special mark, if any.
Iv) whether the descripttion of goods furnished in AR-4 corresponds the goods packed for export;
v) whether the particulars of goods in AR-4 correspond to the particulars in the shipping bill filed by the exporter;
vi) whether, on completion of inspection, the invoice has been prepared and issued for removal of goods in accordance with the AR-4 and bond amount and whether the duty amount has been incorporated in the AR-4;
vii) whether after inspection the packages of the goods intended for export, the necessary endorsement has been made by the Central Excise officer on the AR-4;
viii) whether original, duplicate and sixtuplicate copies of the AR-4 have been received from the Central Excise officer after proper endorsement.
If required, the triplicate copy of AR-4, duly endorsed has been obtained from the Central Excise officer in a tamper proof sealed cover for delivery to the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or Maritime Commissioner, as the case may be.
Check list for export under claim for rebate of duty.
In addition to observing the points mentioned in the preceding check list, it must be checked whether the AR-4 contains a specific declaration regarding the authority with whom the rebate shall be filed.
kiran kumar
(21 Points)
Replied 17 September 2012
how to fill a ARE 1 FORM PROCEDURE PLEASE.........
U S Sharma
(21063 Points)
Replied 19 September 2012
Originally posted by : kiran kumar | ||
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how to fill a ARE 1 FORM PROCEDURE PLEASE......... |
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with an english typewriter, using four carbons,
details would be as per the excise export invoice, and B-1 Bond details / CT-1 details.
Mihir Rami
(Account Executive)
(21 Points)
Replied 03 November 2012
what are the consequences of late submitting of ARE 1 to excise department?
(43853 Points)
Replied 03 November 2012
Whenever you will not submit the ARE-1 in department how can avail incentive per notified by department.