whether Vat credit is available in case, the assessee has debit balance in one vat account, say 5% and have credit balance in other, say 13.5%????
CA Mukul Mittal (CA in practice) (384 Points)
10 October 2011whether Vat credit is available in case, the assessee has debit balance in one vat account, say 5% and have credit balance in other, say 13.5%????
arjun s
(CA Final)
(299 Points)
Replied 11 October 2011
Ya overall in aggregate he has to pay if there is any surplus in collection that vat input
Ex: 5% VAT Input - 500
13.5% VAT Input - 1000
5% VAT output - 1000
13.5% VAT output - 600
the VAT Payable is (1000+600) - (1000+500) = 100
(26 Points)
Replied 01 November 2011
How to get vat input credit on damaged or goods loss by fire
arjun s
(CA Final)
(299 Points)
Replied 01 November 2011
If goods is damged book it s a loss and debit to p & l ac
it will not impact VAT input credit
Hemanth Sai
(110 Points)
Replied 02 November 2011
Vat liability and credit comprises of all the vat rate slabs.
so for filing the details we need to show the purchase,sales,credit amounts separately but while awailing the credit or paying we have to combine it.
lost/damaged goods are loss and debited to p&l,
we are not collecting vat to get a vat credit in this case in regarding to these goods.