a co. has 3 branches 1 in delhi 2 in haryana an the 3rd one is in UP and employes 8, 4 & 5 employees respectively is th co covered under th said act.
mohit pathak (Learner) (396 Points)
22 August 2011Hi!
a co. has 3 branches 1 in delhi 2 in haryana an the 3rd one is in UP and employes 8, 4 & 5 employees respectively is th co covered under th said act.
Abhimanyu Bind
(CA Final Student & Audit Assitant)
(2051 Points)
Replied 22 August 2011
No clear defination has been given in Gratuity Act about whether to merge all branches employee together or not. Wait for experts answers.
vivek tiwari
(26 Points)
Replied 29 August 2011
No clear defination has been given in Gratuity Act about whether to merge all branches employee together or not. Wait for experts answers.
P C Agrawal
(Registered independent director Past Chairman of Aurangabad Chapter of ICSI Practicing Company Secretary at Aurangabad)
(8229 Points)
Replied 08 March 2012
No, it will not apply. Refer Section 1(3)(b) of the Act. It clearly says 'every shop or establishment'.
Kolluru Krishna Murty
(315 Points)
Replied 09 March 2012
It should be the company as a whole put together in all places.
In my opinion it should be covered under the Gratuity Act for all the places together at the central office.
Santosh Santu
(1 Points)
Replied 25 August 2016
Who can be appointed as trustees in Employees group gratuity trust and is it mandatory for an employee to become a trustee in a trust,thanks in advance
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