Dear friends,
Does anybody got information regarding applicability of Companies Act 2013 for CS executive programme exams for June 2014. If so what books to be referred.
please advise
surya prakash
surya prakash (CMA) (79 Points)
14 September 2013Dear friends,
Does anybody got information regarding applicability of Companies Act 2013 for CS executive programme exams for June 2014. If so what books to be referred.
please advise
surya prakash
Aashay Bbhatnagar
(student )
(29 Points)
Replied 18 October 2013
The institute has made following announcement regarding applicability of new Companies Act, 2013 for June 2014 exam. The announcement is available at the link
sandeep kumar arora
(75 Points)
Replied 23 November 2013
click on this link to have entire knowledge about the applicability of Act.
(61 Points)
Replied 26 November 2013
thanks for your post sir
but in the announcement by the western region it is said that decision taken by ICSI-HO co`s act 2013 is applicable. & in your post it is co`s act 1956 so which should i prepare for.
sandeep kumar arora
(75 Points)
Replied 06 December 2013
Dear students, as I had already shared in the above post that It will not be applicablity for June 2014 Examinations in advance, Now It is formally announced by ICSI.
Formal Announcement by ICSI of Non-Applicability of 'The Companies Act, 2013' for June 2014 Company Secretary Examinations. For details go to
(83 Points)
Replied 30 March 2014
98 notified sections of Companies Act 2013 are applicable for November 2014 attempt. I have gone through the book on these sections written by CA. Vivek Baid in very simplified language. Cover page of book is attached.
You can contact him through email. His email id is cavivekbaid @
sandeep kumar arora
(75 Points)
Replied 18 June 2014
Now 'The Companies Act, 2013, has become functional, it shall be applicable for December 2014 Examinations. I am giving the following links regarding applcability of 'The Companies Act, 2013, for December 2014 and Onwards Company Secretary Course examinations.
sandeep kumar arora
(75 Points)
Replied 03 August 2014
to know about section by section applicability of 'The Companies Act, 2013' for December 2014 Company Secretary Examinations, click on