Is there any update from the institute regarding reduction of period of articleship from 3 year & 6 mnth to 3 year.
Please post
Thank you
Dushyant Sharma
(50 Points)
Replied 30 November 2009
is the passing %of ca pcc has changed from 50% to 55% ?
(134 Points)
Replied 30 November 2009
i dont knw about passing %
and for IPCC articleship are for 3 years
there is no question of reduction
(Article Assisstant)
(2485 Points)
Replied 30 November 2009
till now no official notification from institute regarding reduction in article period for PCC.
(77 Points)
Replied 30 November 2009
yes, the articlesship of IPCC students is only 3 years not 3years and 6 months
in case of PCC students, if the student articleship is completed but his course is not completed
then who will be sighn in his application for exams.
(3 'C' - Final)
(273 Points)
Replied 30 November 2009
Hi frenz... The Instt has formed a study grp which wil decide on the reduction of articles from 3.5 yrs to 3 yrs in the case of PCC students.. Its in WIP stage only.. Instt wil notify d same if the study grp is satisfied for the reduction... However instt has stated that its a long drawn process.. Hence v'll hav to wait.....
(144 Points)
Replied 30 November 2009
no every thing is not true dont waste time by seeing this
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