Sir, Thanx first of all for responding to my query so quickly.
But isn't the Ind AS which u are talking about, which are converged with IFRS are not applicable for nov 2011 exams.
ICAI notification told as follows:"
Indian Accounting Standards converged with the IFRS (Known as Ind AS)
The MCA has notified 35 converged Indian Accounting Standards (Ind ‘AS’) without
announcing the applicability date. These are the standards which are being converged by eliminating the differences of the Indian Accounting Standards vis-à-vis IFRS. These
standards shall be applied for all companies falling under Phase I to Phase III as
prescribed under the roadmap issued by the core group. These
Ind ASs are not applicable for the students appearing in November, 2011 Examination. "
Were you sir referring to this IND AS?